
2d Gear: Trucks

I’m going to take this a step further and declare the Lions the Ass Team of All-Time. Since 1958, only 60 years for those keeping score at home, the Lions have won a TOTAL OF 1 FUCKING PLAYOFF GAME.

That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.

I’d take the Quattro over the other two every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Cuz

but you’re not going to see styling as daring as this on any car newer than about 1995, except perhaps a Pontiac Aztek.

2 Bi-partisan payments, ok?

When I had a greyhound in Chicago you bundle it up like it was your kid. This was a -10f day. That’s my actual hoodie on top of an easy to make, custom fit fleece coat. Depending on you and your greyhound’s size you can easily let them wear your clothes, it’s awesome! The booties were easily made but can be bought.

Sorry. The Earth is 8 light minutes from the sun. Voyager is about one light month from Earth. 

I sure hope you’re missing a hyphen.  

Charlie is almost certainly a good dog. “Tex” on the other hand, is so casual about gun safety I’m frankly amazed he’s lived to the ripe old age of 74. 

As the Bard said: “Cry HVAC, and let loose the dogs of WARM!”

No, if toddlers are raised with a healthy relationship with food they are not going to throw a tantrum. They eat what the family eats, no if’s or ands, no making a peanut butter sandwich instead - if food allergies arise you deal with that. Also helps if you make them part of the food preparation so they understand

You are mad about how a legendary character is portrayed simply because you want that character portrayed the same as you have seen him in the past—and you can’t fathom why the white folk are big mad about Idris Ilba becoming their precious James Bond. Legends and fictional characters can adapt to the times. They are

Of course it’s silly—but it’s also de rigeur for US-based companies and interests. We’ve got a long and storied history of being just fine with absolutely brutal acts of violence in our entertainment (see also: American Football, MMA, etc.), but the second someone sees a breast, a butt, or a penis, it’s frogs raining

This dude said similar performance.

If it’s one of the worst, then it has plenty of company, because games that start with long cutscenes are not in short supply. When it comes to intros, a person could do a lot worse than the Half-Life tram ride. I’d rather have a realtime intro that allows at least limited player control than being locked into a

The one thing it wasn’t was “wreckless”. It was, however, somewhat reckless

Hello I am a blandly symmetrical blonde verbalizing your fears. Please allow your sexual frustrations to intertwine with your xenophobia until I have all your money.

WTCC, DTCC, V8Supercars, WRC.  Your point is garbage.