
I would still argue that it’s not your fault if you get bitten by a mosquito, especially for the women who were infected before people know the effects of Zika.

So, does this mean that the FR-S will be renamed the GT-86 as it is everywhere else?

Even that Duggar daughter that “lives” in El Salvador with her family for the purposes of converting Catholics announced that she went on birth control.

They should post, with photographs and names, every city official who agreed to this deal mostly so they could gladhand at the Super Bowl.

Absolutely wasn’t. It’s a crime called “Brandishing”. This doesn’t even fly in open-carry states.

Nope, no threat of bodily harm, the truck guys can easily retreat, no way a self defense plea would stand up in court. Even in a stand your ground state drawing down on unarmed people and using your weapon to win an argument makes you the bad guy.

I just saw a great cartoon of a white guy with his feet up on the seat next to him on a train, in a car, and on a plane. Then, he’s on a crowded bus and someone wants to sit in the seat his feet are on. The caption reads something like, “When you are used to privilege, equality seems like special treatment.”

That Venn Diagram is in fact a circle.

Yes, but I do the same thing so I can’t judge.

Actually this video should prove to every meathead that, while sort of lame, being extra cautious in the smith machine is never as lame as being a macho dipshit.

He probably is pretty strong, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a complete moron.

Yeah that definitely seems pretty dumb.

I played the closed alpha - I just could not get over the fact that I’m shooting someone point blank with a shotgun in the head four times and they’re at half-health. It works in destiny because you’re shooting aliens. But, shooting humans dressed in hoodies and torn jeans just doesn’t work.

That game, I remember climbing on a Beholder, those giant eyes, and stabbing it in the eye a bunch. Then it used magic to try to hit me, but the magic was like a giant spiky rock formation, so it stabbed itself in the eye. Such a beautiful game.

I’ve given up on the adoption of new, good gameplay ideas outside of indies nowadays.

Everyone remember the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor? How awesome that was, and how everyone was amazed it was not in Arkham Knight because it would have been perfect? It’s a feature that actually utilized the current gen’s

Bullshit. My ladyfriend is a dev at the same company is me (our products are different and our work duties do not overlap) and she experiences this all the time. I on the other hand, am just as “aggressive” or more-so and never catch flak for it.

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

my thoughts exactly. Clearly he was brought on to a show after she cheated specifically to have him A. find out or B. create all kinds of awkward drama for her and the new guy. If MTV knows he is a crazy psycho - why add fuel to that fire?

The original three hosts looked like shit on a regular basis and that was a big part of their charm and appeal. They were unpolished and nobody stopped them from being them. If Sabine likes the mom-jeans, the by God she should wear some mom-jeans.