“You will not replace us!”
No one wants to. They just want a level playing field and a fair shot playing the game. It’s not a zero-sum thing, guys.
“You will not replace us!”
No one wants to. They just want a level playing field and a fair shot playing the game. It’s not a zero-sum thing, guys.
“Russia is our friend.”
And with that, go all illusions of patriotism.
Trump used those good folks as props. DeVos used BCU’s whole campus of people as a prop. That one asshole GOP member tried to use those kids as props.
Common theme: white folks using brown folks as props.
Outdoorsmen are literally the best friends of environmental groups. Or potentially, anyway. I can’t hunt, fish, trap, or even just be in the beauty of nature if that shit is all fucked up a ruined environment.
Exaggeration aside, there really should be more training for LEOs. Priority on de-escalation, then proper application of force. “Let’s not make this violent, but if we have to, let’s do this the right way, and let’s do it safely.”
And yet, Trump fans will ignore that Trump gave Erdogan the thumbs up on his power grab, and then state that Obama was in favor of Erdogan.
Right. Her and her father basically got wealthy by shamming their way along and saying the right things to the right people.
And also by overseas funding, as I’ve read that no one in the US wants to finance them, and that they’re actually comparatively poor to others of their profile level. It’s something along the…
That’s what I heard too. Racism died with MLK and then it came back in reverse with Obama, but then went away with Trump. Now everything is hunky-damn-dory.
White folks worry about colored folks becoming a majority, it’s almost as if colored folks haven’t always been treated well by white folks or something.
Nothing I’m aware of. But that’s clearly not treating it with reverence. It’s a nation’s flag, not a movie poster. Shit.
That somehow feels very disrespectful. Somehow more disrespectful than a flag burning. At least with a flag burning, the person doing the burning thinks of its symbolism with such gravity that they hate it enough to burn it.
This bitch-made fool thinks it’s a fucking puppy.
I don’t even think she says the right thing.
TBH, I feel like the fake is strong with many of the RHo show cast members as a whole. But then again, reality show landed us with Trump as a president, so I guess it’s not a shock that people buy into the idea of new, flashy money and think that’s what actual wealth (and what it takes to get there) looks like.
Trump blaming any of the Dems for the result of the AHCA push is like blaming a lost football game on turnovers you caused and your penalties on the other team.”
“Well, we coulda won if the other team didn’t pick up the fumbles we dropped, pick off our obvious passes, and make us do things like put too many players on…
Straight up, you gotta wonder if the FBI and those passing the orders down to them are almost begging for an *actual* terrorist incident with behavior like this.
It’s like the government equivalent of the jealous partner that almost forces the other partner to cheat by continuously treating them like they are a…
I see the other side. It’s got bad guys that come straight out of a Tom Clancy novel. They work for Russia, they’re nationalists, they’re corporatists. They’ve taken advantage of some really good yet uninformed people who should be more scared of the people they voted for than the people they voted against.
All we…
I’m worried about greedy people fucking up the economy. I’m worried about dying in a car accident. I’m worried about being the victim of a hate crime or randomly caught in a workplace violence incident.
Sadly, most of those may have a white guy as culprits. And that sucks, as most folks I know are white.
Right. Not everyone gets to work someplace where they can negotiate their compensation. Not everyone gets to work someplace where they can effectively engage their employers. A union helps even the odds as in many cases, the employee doesn’t have much to leverage with.
Also, wtf with that “right to work” title.
Those groups seem to have had their hands in American politics for decades. What makes me laugh, is that those people who claim patriotism so hard have been taken by an actual autocrat and his buddy who looks a lot like a Leninist to me.
It’s also a strategic error. In a war, you kill the enemy by killing them on the field and establishing conditions that prevent more from taking the field. That’s by way of denying funding, food, weapons, and yes - recruiting.
All this shit does is the same thing the other instances (shortlived as they were in Obama’s…