
Draws all the attention to the QB. Thing is, the QB isn’t intending to read coverage, he’s going to dump it off immediately so he’s basically a decoy.

Once the D zones in on the actual passer, the QB or WR or whomever skates past players that aren’t paying attention.

This sounds a lot like a Duffelblog/Onion article...

Right. “WATCH OUT FOR THOSE COLOREDS, THEYRE OUT TO GET YOU” when really, most folks just wanna pay bills, take their fams out for dinner, and watch a sport. The rich are out to get you.

Racism and sexism, as it pertains to economics is like making sure your whole defensive roster of your football team doesn’t get to practice and get into the weight room and then bitching that your team is underperforming.

Or in car talk, it’s like blocking the fuel supply to half your cylinders and being confused when

I fully agree. W3 is a tightly set up experience around a single character. As such, it’s a great title but it’s limited by that same scope. Skyrim allows for a wider (but also more shallower experience), at least in vanilla form. The mods really make the game much deeper.

Except that voter intimidation is in fact, very much illegal. But hey, this guy wants people to “speak American” so it’s not like he has a grasp on legal matters.

I can guarantee you, a whole lot of angry right wingers suddenly emerged when his first election started. More so than ever.

#2 on the return team looked mad. Don’t hate because you can’t block, kid.

I’m not super impressed by that. The truth is, most shooter players already know where their crosshairs are, and they don’t really use them unless they’re doing a marked shot.

It’s kinda like people that do IPSC or just any sort of shooting in real life. They’re reflex shooting, not shooting with optics or irons.

Immediately? Foster arrangements and maybe rehabilitation services for the moms.

Long term? Providing social services, work, and a safety net that prevents such situations from occuring in the first place.

That’s how I feel. We all know many people sacrifice themselves as part of our various law, military, government organizations for us to live as we do. However, in that same span of history, many people of many races were marginalized, attacked, murdered, and otherwise persecuted for things as basic as skin color. And

Battleborn didn’t get the kind of PR/marketing blitz that Overwatch got. Not even close. It also wasn’t presented the same way. Overwatch’s marketing team presented both the game as a shooter with some different mechanics, but it also did a good job of selling players on the characters’ personalities.

Not that they

It’s fucked up. Some (likely) white dude got all ass-pained about a black woman being in a movie that’s a new take on old material. It doesn’t erase anything, just makes new stuff.

But hey, that’s apparently enough for some neckbeards.

FFXIII pulled a Modern Warfare and tunneled players through combat areas in many cases, so you’re right on about that. The previous games gave you different paths but you’d more often than not, end up back on the one that would progress you.

Not really. For a lot of men on the right, it’s all about whatever puts women in their place. This would be exactly that.

I’d say “cautionary tale” as well. That company pushes out a stream of work that’s unfriendly to people that aren’t wealthy, white, christian, and male, so it shouldn’t be a shock that the working environment is the same way.

It should also be a tale of doing more than chasing money.

I’m not surprised, either. When the politics lean towards some bass-ackwards way of treating people as a whole, then the same treatment of women should be assumed.

Which is sad as hell.

No, I’d ask them to stay out. The emergency managers are scrambling to just make things work in Louisiana. The logistics to permit a political appearance just make the situation more complex. You’re talking about ground traffic, air traffic, security, food and lodging, and communications networks.

No one wants them to

That low-taxes system sure did work, what with the state universities around Louisiana desperately hoping for funding, right? Just like cutting taxes without proper revenue streams did so well for Kansas and Brownback, yes?

Here’s the thing about Bush - the legitimate criticism was about a lack of federal responses

No one was mad about Bush not showing up. They were mad that a combination of state, local, and federal organizations weren’t trained, equipped, nor deployed to assist.

Trust me, the appearance of any one individual isn’t important when millions are in dire straits. That only matters in someplace like North Korea, and