
Um...probably not. But I'm not one to decide without seeing a product.

Few of us were playing Rock Band while trashed one time (rather entertaining, try it sometime). Anyway our drummer got really frustrated cause I (the singer) was goofing around with the words to some song, bastard hit me square in the nuts. Even in my drunken state, I sure felt that pain.

@That1GuyNess: Yeah, a buddy of mine had one and it was actually pretty impressive. Had I not been so strapped for cash back then I totally would've gotten one.

Google Calendar synced with iCal. Sync iCal with my iPod. I always know what I'm doing and when.

@DoomDoomDoom: Yeah...that'd be me. I get...a little into the drum sets sometimes

VOTE: Google Calendar

@rockonfred: Amarok is probably the greatest media player out there. But last time I used it alongside my iPod, the iPod completely crapped out (entire system wipe, took FOREVER to restore), so I use iTunes for the sole purpose of keeping my iPod updated.

Regardless of everybody's personal political opinions, I think this is a great idea. Even if out of the 12 million LIVE users, only half a million actually go out and vote, it's still something.

I think it matters a little bit, but most things I like about my Mac OSX machine is the things that are integrated into it. But it's true that it's nothing that a web app couldn't do though.

@MSUSteve: No kidding, I've stopped buying collectors editions. I use the bonus dvd's once, then they go back in the case and don't see the light of day. I'll save my money and just get the game only copy.

@Atheist Jew: Yeah man, my local game store has Katamari for 15 bucks new, so I'm sure you could find it pretty cheap anywhere you go.

@T3KK9: Oh yeah man, that's the beauty of Rock Band 2, all the RB DLC that's out will work with RB1 and RB2. Any future DLC will work with both games as well.

@grimdeath9740: I just want my StumbleUpon extension...and some sort of FoxMarks thing. Though if Google Bookmarks are better integrated into it...that works too.

I love Castle Crashers, just a ridiculous amount of fun.

I am not a software developer, nor do I work high up with classified material. I'm a university student that uses the internet to check Facebook and read the news. I don't really care if Google knows this. But this is just me, and I can see where somebody who sends information that they don't want Google "owning"

I'm still waiting for my Mac version :-/

I'm a FF fan, mainly because of my extensions. I love me some extensions. But this will definitely get a good test, and since it's by Google, it could very well make me switch my browsers.

Eh, I already have my calendars synced with iCal...and I have yet to run into a spot where I needed something on GoogleDocs and not had internet...I might pass.

I have my Google Calendar synced with my iCal via the caldav, I also have my Google Calendar send a text to my phone 30 minutes to an hour (depending whether it's a social, professional, or educational even) before any event. So I always know and am always reminded. Then, for the sake of just having a copy, I sync my

It's weird, when I try to use Facebook chat it takes forever while it tries to log in...then fails.