
Ico... It can be done more eloquently than what Capcom has come up with by far.

Depends on the game.... If we're talking fifa, I'll build myself up to the highest difficulty before I'll have any fun. With a game like Dues Ex I'll play on the highest difficulty to help with the immersion (tough consequences for fuck-ups feel right). When playing tactical/strategy/sports games or those where I can

That looks awesome! The hinted plot elements are exciting! Unfortunately it also looks like the game-play mechanics are untouched, and I for one think they're kind-of stale. I would like a Resident Evil game where they incorporate some stealth, and with it level design that is more adventurous. It's been a bit

Thank you.

:) Hey, might as well see if I can get it to work now that I learned to read.

Think of it like reading a newspaper for gamers: there's going to be a little of everything. I like the variety. There's a lot of this griping these days though, which makes me wonder if there really are any good alternatives. Maybe what Kotaku can do to quell the protest is to make sure the headline is always purely

Was that "faggot" supposed to be ironic? You're such a hipster :-(

I guess.. but you might as well call them anything else if Ueda was indeed "the driving force."

Sony lost about 50% of my loyalty with this. Team Ico was one of the more poignant things that separated Sony from Microsoft.

The make or break for me is if they start selling their PS2 catalog. I want some of those actual PS2 games on the go.

Why don't they just fix the damn game. You can't cheat if there's no way to cheat. Sounds cheaper than mounting an investigation too. Hell, fucking offer the players incentives to flag the actual exploits/hacks and give solutions; I'm sure they'd love it (win-win).

I still use that mouse pad too.

I enjoyed the sentiment at the end there :) The internet is a great place to learn and have fun!

I'm a big fan too, but I think it's already gone the way of Sonic the Hedgehog a little. That said, I wouldn't mind there being some more games in the series. MGS3 was the best IMO, and that was after I lost some faith with MGS2.

So that's why Kotaku loads like shit... I thought they were working out some kinks from the layout change and just gave up. I don't get any ads either, but most of the time the top image won't appear. Adblock explains some things...

You can create a plausible circumstance for a woman of any build to do what the men do in GTA (except maybe wielding a rocket launcher, but most of the male leads would have problems too). A slender woman can just pistol whip a person or shoot them in the leg to get them out of a car. A gun will motivate a victim more

They were smuggling dope for Squenix. How else do you think they come up with the new FF games?