Good Lord, people really took offense with Krakowski’s character arch? It was an absolutely clear jab at racism in our society, not at the Native-Americans themselves. There’s no way to be confused about that!
Good Lord, people really took offense with Krakowski’s character arch? It was an absolutely clear jab at racism in our society, not at the Native-Americans themselves. There’s no way to be confused about that!
What an object of heated romantic interest in the real world.
Let’s take a moment to look at the stunning beauty that is Jeffrey Wells...
I can’t stand her but, considering she is as dumb as a box of rocks, I totally believe she didn’t know what was going on until it was way too late. She probably did what a gazillion married women do. She signed where he told her to sign and believed whatever cockamamie story he was telling her because, hey, husband.
I’m assuming she isn’t going to get Sprinkles cookies...
Look, I have melanin so I can’t relate. But I can recall watching all my white friends get a “base tan” which seemed to just be burning their skin off and I would think: “Hey guys, just be your pale selves! Or use that tanning lotion stuff! It’s cool! This sun thing isn’t for you and that’s fine.”
With the sharks? I mean, I get wanting to check them out but dude, you are food who literally threw yourself onto the equivalent of a serving platter. That one’s on you.
I do agree that if you look like a “man in a dress”, it does make many people uncomfortable... but that’s on them, not the person who is trans. They also shouldn’t have to try to pass as cis to be accepted as the gender they identify with, either, and if she thinks that, then that’s pretty fucking awful.
And yeah,…
an apple cider vinegar rinse is great when my hair is greasy. and I use the tiniest bit of castille soap for shampoo. everyone’s different but hope that helps:)
My daily hair washing is extremely lazy, believe me! I shower at night and go to bed with wet hair. No conditioner. All I do is comb my hair with a wide toothed comb and scrunch it a little bit. I wake up with my hair wavy and all I really need to do is brush it out and maybe dampen my bangs and blow them out quickly.…
I’ll tell you the answer but some people won’t like it- wash your hair every day and don’t use conditioner. Your hair might not need it. I wash my hair every day with Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo and use no conditioner. The anti-residue shampoo doesn’t strip my hair of oils. It just rinses clean. For my fine…
Spoiler alert: the bear who fucks Leo up in the movie is a female bear.
Re: Nioxin - a fair number of recommendations have been posted for it - for some people it works GREAT, and others find that it irritates their skin and ultimately makes matters worse. I urge caution with this product. By all means try it, but try a small size! I didn’t start reacting to it ‘til I’d been using it…
DEFINITELY do. Spiro is not wholly responsible for almost totally eradicating my acne — I give the larger part of the credit to PocketDerm/Curology’s $20 a month plan and the ‘scrip azelaic acid/niacinamide/clindamycin face goo they send me — but the Spiro definitely helps with both oil and androgen overproduction.
I tried the no shampoo thing and I maybe did look like a dirty diseased garbage person. I had so much oil in my hair it made my eyes itch. (I am a -I like to think - not boring white woman.)I envy those who can skip the ‘poo.
I have very dry skin and honestly I can go 4-7 days without washing my hair. It is unfathomable to me that there are women that wash their hair every day. I have very thick hair and it’s past my shoulders and I do not have the time and energy to wash it every day. My condolences to everyone with hair types that don’t…
Thank you for this post. I definitely need to do some research and ask about spironolactone- I’m also a human grease machine and that’s one of the reasons my acne (of the hormonal cystic type) is so terrible. Think acne on face, back, legs, arms, scaaaaaaaaalp (hi shampoo and conditioner...), even -inside- my nose and…
Nioxin!! I’m 48 and have been battling oily hair/scalp for years. Sometimes I have to wash my hair (or at least my bangs) twice in one day! Nioxin is the only thing I’ve found that keeps my hair clean and manageable all day. I don’t use conditioner, ever. (Coloring also helps because it roughens up the texture of the…
Babycat picture! Yaaaay! My baby cat was legally Serene, and became Boo (or boo boo, boo bunny, boozle berry, or boozy girl) within a week of being named. We’re huge on nicknames in my family.
I use Nioxin Shampoo everyday but not their conditioner because it just didn’t work for me and then I use Aveeno conditioner every other day or my ends get really dry and I use V05 hot oil just on my ends once a week. This is the life of a thin-haired-oily-scalped-dry-ends-curly-Latina.