The Knick anyone?
This. This. This. This. This. This.
I have a really hard time with gore/ violence. GoT is hard for me when I watch it alone but I mute and cover my eyes a lot. If you can watch with someone, that helps so they can tell you when it's over. I do think Fargo is less gory and your are able to anticipate the gore/ violence more than GoT.
I love the edit for clarification and all the visuals it inspires.
Thanks! I love him so. He is a Siberian Forest Cat and hypoallergenic .
That sounds like a dream!
So goddamn chill. They are soooooo chill.
Eight months walking! Wow! Mine was a solid 12 month-er in the walking dept. Go babies!
I get that. I am a prolific curser and my husband rarely does. When he finds occasion to swear, it is memorable and surprising. I do want to swear less in general. My previous comment is my defense of swearing to my conservative Catholic mom. :)
Counterpoint: someone has a great vocabulary and thus has exhausted all possible words and the curse word is, in fact, the “right" word.
Love you! You’re gorgeous. The lipstick is perfecto. And your entire outlook as well.
I used to feel that way, but she can be so nasty and mean-spirited. She does act like a human though.
I wonder if he gained all that weight from the diabetes or vice versa. Either way I feel bad. And either way Kim is a psycho hose beast for being so nasty about his weight. We cannot ignore the fact that she is a monster.
I can't believe she's 46! She looks much younger. Go Leslie!
Unpopular opinion: I don’t give a fuck about adult birthdays. He was there on her birthday!!!! The next day is not a thing. However, I have not lost a parent and don’t understand how that loss might manifest. But, I really get annoyed with adults that make a HUGE deal about their birthday and expect everyone to care…
I wonder what your lips feel like when they're that big.
I was at the emergency vet last night. As I was waiting, the Big Bang theory was on. It was breathtakingly awful. It's like what really dumb people think smart people must be like. So sad and horrible. Do people really not know smart people? I'm not saying I am one, but because of where I live and work I meet a lot of…
I’m going to try that tonight.