
Yes! I loved that.

I remember sitting in the obstetrician’s office the day after Newtown and talking with another preggo, like “the world is utter garbage, our poor babies”.

Ah, thank you. Just don't understand why she's so shady about it. Big hair don't care!

I've watched her show only a few times. So, why does she wear a wig all the time? Thin hair? Just likes wigs? I know some women just like variety, but hers are always the same which lead me to think she had alopecia.

Early childhood educator and fallible parent here.That was hilarious but, um, isn’t two a bit too young for Star Wars. The explosions, yelling, frightened people. Children process things differently than we do. My son will watch some adult programming with me, even swearing!, but as long as there is no violenceof any

He might have asked her if she was going to steal a dog whilst drunk and that's how this whole thing for out of hand.

Yep. I was a preschool teacher and worked with a little girl whose family was from Burma. When she came here and started preschool she only spoke the language of her displaced ethnic group. Through living around other Burmese of different ethnicities (and Americans), and going to preschool she spoke three languages by

Our cat used to sneak into the dryer. My mom turned it on once, realized cat was in there and got her out. Be careful future cat owners, they love the dryer!

I was three credits away from a Master’s in Early Childhood Ed, and made $9.36/hour with good benefits. We don't make much and know you can't pay a whole lot more, so a thank you goes a long way.

The law in Pennsylvania,is 1 teacher to 4infants, 1 to 5 after age 1, 1 to 6 (I think )bat age 2. Then at 3, it’s 1 to 10!!!!!! Those are minimums for safety, not for quality and meaninful learning fyi.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

I'm nice! That said, I'm not from here originally. Hopefully Pittsburgh is slowly attaining a better food culture. I live a few blocks from Braddock Ave. in Regent Sq. ( eastern neighborhood). While I do have access to potatoes, potatoes etc., I can also walk to a Thai or Turkish restaurant. And a lesbian owned

Pine crotch mountain giant tale for the win!

Julie's not just bitching b/c maybe she didn't get the late late show (she may not have even gone for). She's bitching because there are no women hosting on late night.None. Women are funny. Where are they?

Me too. They are worthless. Sorry. Worthless. They are creating more harm in society than good.