The Mysterious S

ah, but he did invoke religion in both the black comments and the Japanese comments. of the Japanese he said that they never would have bombed Pearl Harbor if they believed in Jebus, and of the happy black people whistling while they worked the cotton fields and never complaining (to the white guy who they had every

I honestly don't think I've ever seen America as racist as it is right now in all my 36 years. now obviously I wasn't alive for the civil rights struggles of the 50's and 60's, and I live in the pacific northwest, but it really seems to me that racism was never so comfortable in the mainstream discourse at any

is there anything smartphones *won't* ruin?

I feel like alot of people are focusing too singularly on the homophobia. I don't mean to diminish that by any means, but it should also be kept in the same breath that he thinks the Japanese are godless heathens, and that black people were happier under Jim Crow oppression.

hey, you leave Buster out of this!

sooooo… I have an idea, but unfortunately I'm in no position to implement it. so I direct this towards our LGBT AV Clubbers: any gay dudes want to help out and add that duck cammo to the hankie code?

bigotry against bigots is the worst kind of bigotry! let's all do our part to end anti-bigotism and bigophobia!

you fools! now he's just a harmless jerk, but do you have any idea what will happen once his balls drop? date rapes, that's what will happen!

get them tricked into raising the children of smooth, velvet-voiced, Italian alpha males?

"monocle over helmet" is slang for a sealed condom balanced on the tip of a dick.

yeah, but he refused to recuse himself from a case involving civil litigation against a hydroelectric plant, ultimately ruling in the plant's favor.

TO BE FAIR… Rhonda's blog *is* pretty good.

on of a bitch, I never noticed that!

it would be interesting if you could compare performances of the same players playing the full game, and just playing double and final. my instinct tells me that the results would be pretty similar insofar as who wins, and in what order the remaining players place. of course the scores would be smaller. but a big

On a rattlesnake speedway in the Utah desert
I pick up my money and head back into town
Driving cross the Waynesboro county line
I got the radio on and I'm just killing time
Working all day in my daddy's garage
Driving all night, chasing some mirage
Pretty soon little girl I'm gonna take charge.

oh, I could hide 'neath the wings
of the bluebird as she sings
the six o'clock alarm would never ring
but it rings, and I rise
wipe the sleep out of my eyes
my shaving razor's cold, and it stings

so, so close to having two contestants in the red by the end of the first round. my general theory of Jeopardy is that the first round basically doesn't count, since it seems to only have a one in three chance of predicting who will be ahead by the end of double jeopardy, but this little anomaly finds the breaking

The AV Club

Whitey Person Power Rangers!

you tell three-way jokes to your niece?