
When you really think about it, your entire life, the lives of everyone around you, of everyone who ever lived, is still a small sample size. That’s why you shouldn’t be a betting man. Or be one, it doesn’t matter, as nothing really matters in the context of the universe.

Jon, Bran has arrived at the wall. He promises to make you regular again.

Followed by the most disturbing segue ever.

He thinks health insurance is life insurance.

Asics makes some great shoes and you should be able to find something that would work for you. However, it’s really hard to tell someone what shoe is best for them without seeing them in person in order to analyze their gait.

Asics makes some great shoes and you should be able to find something that would work for you. However, it’s really

Best sports hair past and present:

That’s all very nice except:

don’t you mean climaxed?


Those responsible for this post have been sacked.

Kinda like Bob, The Thin White Duke.

“I’ve honed my fighting skills. I’ve vanquished my enemies. I’ve conquered my rage. Now I face the toughest challenge of all.

So they all have their own

This is the Grand Covfefe of dumb decisions. As stated, the green economy has more jobs and job opportunities and we will probably meet the goals anyway through other means. The only result of this will be ceding America’s leadership on the world stage to Germany and China.

“Dragons to the east of me, Snow and walkers to the north. Here I am stuck in the middle with you...”

Just shut up and go get more popcorn. This is getting better by the hour. If I don’t get photos of Donald getting pissed on by some Russian prostitutes within the week I’m going to submit a complaint on the inconsistent pacing of this movie.

Ah yes the morning what fresh hell am I living in today briefing

PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.