Holy shit - no fewer than 9 of the top 100 articles are related to the soap opera of professional wrestling. That community doesn't fuck around.
Holy shit - no fewer than 9 of the top 100 articles are related to the soap opera of professional wrestling. That community doesn't fuck around.
They win cutest couple of these playoffs.
OK, but I think that if they're zombie Nazis, then tie goes to the Nazi.
Ah shit, the Nazis are back.
Can we get Gordon Ramsay yelling at them while they do it?
"Dear Lord, when I get to Heaven..."
"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?"
Burger King, eh? Sounds like the dude was just trying to "Have it his way."
#0: Rub one out in the morning - boom! Half my distractions gone before I even get dressed.
Fingers crossed for the mystery of who soiled the poop deck.
Man, all this news about Donald Sterling is starting to make me think that having a mistress is a bad idea.
The voices in his penis told him to do it.
MOAR GOSSIP because, honestly, we need a break from the usual reposts from reddit and tumblr.
Mmm... dem short cool summers. I think they worry a lot about fires caused by lightning strikes.
This game does look really nice but, since we're talking about Wyoming, where's all the goddamn snow? (Source: Native of Laramie, WY)
Not bad. I'm still on my first run... been stuck at the Water Temple for 15 years.
Thank you!!!