
I'm 100% positive that Patrick Wilson would rather be with Lena Dunham than Tracy Anderson. Who's the one who needs transforming?

A friend sent out a save-the-date postcard a long time before the wedding. a month before the wedding, I hadn't received an invite so I called her; she made some awkward excuse about lost mail, etc. (BS) and sent me the invite. Going to her wedding required a $400 plane ticket + 4 hr flight + rental car + camping

I'm sorry that your brother-in-law and dog died, that's a terrible loss. But it just sounds like you are not in a safe situation, and while I understand that your husband is going through a lot of grieving right now, taking it out on you in the form of sexually graphic accusations is not something you deserve to bear

I'm sorry you are going through this. Do you have any family or friends nearby who you can stay with or go to in these moments? Do you feel safe staying with your husband right now? Can you look into counseling for yourself?

I blocked an ex (and his now-wife) on FB, because we have a lot of mutual friends and he comments all the time on their stuff; I just don't want to see it, it makes me too sad.

1) Please look into attending a few Al-Anon meetings ( This group can be a lifesaver to people who are dating ( or have dated/married/divorced), friends with or family of alcoholics. The point of this group is to get some relief for you and the pain you've been in with this guy so that you can

In all honesty, this is a guy who was obviously devastated by his mother's passing (I don't think he has much to do with his dad), and is probably feeling some relief that now that he has a baby, he feels like he's part of Kim's family, and is now willing to do these things to help out her mom, given that he likely

"Look at this brand that I am swiftly killing!"

I have a coworker issue. The admin for my department is a woman who, in the last couple of months, has made a few downright mean remarks about my appearance—I think her bluntness is not done to be intentionally rude, but because she simply doesn't know better. She's older than me, is very religious (her desk is

A friend of mine introduced them onstage at a show because he worked for a radio station that was sponsoring it. He was informed beforehand by management that he could not look directly at Zooey, and that when introducing them, couldn't say something that implied that he was instructing She and Him to come out (e.g.

Tavi the Teen Blogger would be so happy!

They asked McCarthy because Sandra Fluke is BUSY.

The She and Him bit doesn't surprise me in the least. They aren't the nicest people in real life, trust me.

Was not expecting him to knock that out so well!

Also, I read all his posts in my funny dog voice. Because that's where he takes me.

Lentil's awesome. I've been following him since the beginning, and I can't tell you how fun it is to get his good morning and good night FB posts. Love that his owner works with peds charities. French bulldogs have become so popular, and it's nice to see the exposure he's gotten to help people with facial deformities.

I worked for a boss who did such a number on me that I developed straight-up PTSD. I was fortunate enough to get a job with a much saner and professional climate afterwards, but I'd say for the first year or so I was still waiting to be brought into my boss's office to be read the riot act for mistakes (my bullyboss

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Judith Hill was the singer who brought it home at the finale of Michael Jackson's memorial service.