
Are you surprised that Kerry got slaughtered???

You are looking in the wrong places for help and comfort for your issues.

Great article. I have gone through (and am still going through) this, and a key part of how to get through the emotions that go with this experience is to know you're not alone. Thanks.

This is an awful situation and I'm glad the women are fighting back, but why is the word "disability" used in her statement? Being overweight isn't necessarily a disability. Sounds a little off.

I don't live in NYC but I get the impression that living here is just hard—higher cost of living, a huge city to navigate, etc.—and I can imagine that people get so worn out that being social is less of a priority.

I went through school with this person—she was a totally stuck-up snob. Apparently she had a huge gift of communicating with the dead, because I saw her on Nightline not that long ago. She's now raking in insane bucks as a medium, and had a huge personality makeover in the process:

I feel bad for his kids.

I would have called ol' Roger's office and complained about this a year ago when it actually happened. I can't tell if this story made the news on its own and without the Ryan connection, but it kills me that it didn't.

I don't think Woody and Soon-Yi are a cute couple. I think it's revolting.

Nordstrom, although pricey, has a great array of plus size wear. And although it is online, Old Navy has a great plus-size section, too. FYI.

This is something your HR department should know about. That to me sounds like sexual harassment.

I want to go to there.

I was trying to illustrate why standardized student test scores are not a fair reflection of a teacher's efficacy, as factors that are not under the teacher's control—the student's socioeconomic status, home support of education, school-based resources, etc.—also influence their academic performance. I'm sure that

Dog boots are a total waste of money. If you need a covering for your dog's feet to protect from snow, ice, mud, water, etc., these bad boys are a godsend (and they're inexpensive). My dog doesn't even notice that they're on. Behold, Pawz:

Standardized testing is not the golden measure of how well a teacher teaches. To imply that teachers need to be held accountable for test scores in addition to principal evaluation, etc. is asinine. It would be a COLD DAY IN HELL before a doctor's pay depended on how healthy his/her patients are; we'd see salaries

I tagged along with my sister (a suburban SAHM) to a Lia Sophia party while visiting her a few months ago. She kindly offered to buy me something (I had just spent several days in her shoes as it were, caring for her kids/my nieces while she was out of town) and while I don't think I have discriminating tastes, I

Bachmann has made it clear that she has no real interest in the job, that it was merely a catalyst for her fake career on a grander stage. Even the most right-wing of her constituents can't deny that she doesn't need to be re-elected. She did nothing for that district except make it a laughingstock.

A male Literature professor in college, who was a dead ringer for that "Lovers" skit on SNL (think pretentious, horny academics who call each other "lover" to everyone's discomfort) once relayed to our class that his wife (a former student who sat in on *all* of his classes, creepy) had recently lamented the lack of