
Nixon was a war mongering criminal, but it’s hard to argue he wasn’t competent. He knew how to bargain with Democrats and has a few things contributing to a lasting positive legacy like the EPA and his arms reduction treaties. To get an idea of how thoroughly Reagan’s nonsense screwed up American conservatism: Nixon,

im taking bets on how long it takes for Evangelicals to use Christianity to refuse to serve black people. its going to happen eventually.

I like the way you think ;)

Why do christians only fuck with sinners if their sin involves fucking? Where are the Christian wedding cake bakers who refuse to serve people for coveting their neighbor’s car?

So that means they’ll start paying taxes right?

I’m a non-violent person...I mean, I don’t even insult people on Kinja. But I do declare, she has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen this side of my own mother’s face.

“Religious liberty” EO and yet only Christian leaders were invited to attend. Says it all.

Pretty sure an executive order can’t overrule an actual act of Congress, so that’s not a huge deal. But still, I’m sure the nu-atheist bros that make up a decent chunk of his online “for the lulz” fandom are going to love this. 

To Translate Trump’s new EO:

Ivanka needs to keep Toni Morrison out of her mouth. Ivanka is too simple for that type of reading. She needs to start from the beginning. Try someone easier to understand, like this.

Otto: Don’t call me stupid.

I’m not sure I’d give her even that much credit. Reading an entire book just for the upper-class status points it gives you for having read it? Why do that when you can just have an assistant type something up for you.

May I recommend the beef tartare to start? Its very high in irony. Good for the blue bloods.

And here’s what makes things even worse. In the Philadelphia area, charters get more money for kids deemed ‘special needs.’ The problem? A speech impediment or ADHD is under the same ‘special needs’ umbrella as autism. Charters schools are taking in practically normal students and getting $20k a pop. And, since

This is fucking stupid. As a lifelong resident of Philly, I find your first paragraph highly disrespectful. Don’t come around here peddling bullshit.

2.0 is a C average.

Because the school was two blocks from the child’s house that charter school is literally taking money away from his education.
Part of the problem with charter schools is they get federal / state funding and then get to cherry pick their students.
This forces kids who have special needs into a public school that now