The Most Humblest Ever

Think your statement through. During a football play everyone on the field on both teams move. That doesn't happen in baseball. It's not even close dude.

Lol!!! Why the fuck are baseball fans so sensitive? You know the sport, you know about the lack of movement. Grow up son!

It's a game of skill and athleticism a tiny tiny minority of the time for most players on each team.

If people keep responding to me I will respond back to them. Get annoyed at all the tools getting annoyed at me! Yourself included!

Aw dear, look what you are reduced to. Taking my comment literally even though I literally said hyperbole at the start lol. What if someone crunched the numbers and it is actually 90% of the time for most positions? Would you drop the mic against me and walk away? Guess what, people not moving 90% of the time in

You clearly do or you wouldn't have responded.

I disagree because I define sport broadly and I have hella fun getting drunk off my ass and playing the sport of Corn Toss / Corn Hole for example.

Um… Have you never watched a baseball game?
I am not going to look up actual numbers. I don't need to. Baseball is the least physical team sport by far. It is not even close. You can try to dispute that but you'd look like a fucking fool. So instead you missed the forest and focused on one little tree as if that

Yeah playoffs in most sports are usually a lot better.

Football has 20 more times the action than baseball. At least. You bringing up football makes baseball look even *worse* by comparison.

*As* athletically challenging? HA HA HA HA HA. Again, 99% of the time, players are standing fucking still. It's an absolute joke as a physical sport.

Guess people don't wanna read anymore.

Star lord?

Soccer isn't very exciting but at least those guys move around. Holy fuck baseball is literally almost everyone on both teams *not fucking moving* 99% of the time for the entire game

Word. And I am in one of the biggest if not the biggest sports markets in the country

No but if he was a below average student in school, fuck man he must have been teased relentlessly.

How about no. Baseball is a bad sport and you should feel bad for liking it.

Counterpoint, baseball is the worst sport ever invented. Ok that's hyperbole but it's a physical sport about as much as chess is. If you aren't a pitcher or a catcher you are sitting or standing with your thumb up your ass 99.99% of the time.

Do you think this sequel will have everyone from Unbreakable… Speak… Like…. This?

Lol what a dumb complaint to have for an amazing movie.