The Most Humblest Ever

Yes this exactly! I should have scrolled down before writing essentially the same thing

Mon-El is great… in small doses. Making him the second lead of the show has taken a lot away from the remaining season one regulars.

Millions of people understand it as intended, millions of others see if it for the dated, overly sappy and gay sounding dialogue it is.

I'm not a beer baron. Beer gives me intestinal problems

I guess my memory of that season is very spotty.

Wow I forgot all about any detectives in that show, besides JJ who is a private investigator not a detective.

Nope you're the only one. Everyone else thinks she is ugly. I know dozens of people here like me are saying otherwise but we're all liars

Who the hell died in Jessica Jones? I know they padded the back half of the season a lot there but cannot remember a black guy let alone one who died.

How a bunch of dialogue sounds to me personally is my truth.

Wow, so for being done with me you came back yet again? I guess your word means Jack Fucking Shit, huh…

My opinion is of course my own and also correct.

Lol, wut? I am at a loss for your references.

I just ate a giant chocolate bunny 15 min after saying I was full…

Kinda. We're talking about Lord of the Rings here, which has some of the gayest dialogue coming from allegedly straight characters that perhaps "damn straight" should only ever be used ironically when discussing these films.

You. You lack willpower.

Lol. If we leave it in the hands of GRRM, the show would have to go on hiatus for 15 years.

Yeah, so? Up votes are silly and caring about them is silly.

You quoted your non-quote of me? And tried to pass it off as a real quote? Are you retarded? Don't pretend your paraphrase was what I said. That is immensely dishonest and unethical of you. Christ you have problems.

Of course you do, you crossed your eyes so much to "read between the lines" that you came up with some baloney that wasn't there.

He Wonderbread man!