
any word on a mac port?

oh my god i go to reed and nothing has changed re: reed dudes

why are you all allergic to typing the whole word “avocado”

does it look like they’re all having trouble walking in those shoes? they look so wobbly and i find myself Very concerned about it.

honestly though does it get better than gaultier? pure scifi fun; so future and cool and beautiful.

i mean the thing is: from what i know about jared leto and from what it looks like he’s doing with the character just: i’m so unsure. like it makes even the obvious tells seem really buried and hard to follow.

is this real i honestly can’t tell


I’m a lady and i’m literally writing a major chapter of my senior thesis about star wars because i love it so much i can’t fucking stand it

this past year for christmas, my grandmother gave me an epilator, a book on how to be ladylike, and a manicure kit. i dyed my hair (blue- which i have done regularly for the past four years) while i was home this summer and she asked me at dinner if used kool aid to do it. when i told her no, she asked me what i used.

girl scouts are actually more likely to learn good wilderness skills than boy scouts, who light fires with lighter fluid and lighters.

Posters are very much still a thing; comic conventions and etsy and redbubble make it easier than ever to decorate your walls with lovingly drawn pinups of your favorite male characters (i’m speaking from experience here)


oh my god seeing beth ditto up there though is just like, everything to me rn

The people who work at Hot Topic are really nice but they sell low quality stuff at insane prices; they carry an incredibly limited selection of sizes; the people who shop there are obnoxious; they love the Harley Quinn + Joker merchandise that romanticizes domestic violence and mental illness; they list their

nicki minaj is not allowed to be sad, ever again, in her life. i love her. i love her. i love her.

Senior year of high school, I got tickets to see Arcade Fire on the Suburbs tour in Memphis. No one ever comes to Memphis, and I grew up without a lot of money, and this was kind of an ENORMOUS treat. And I had SHIT seats, like two rows back from the second balcony wall where my HIGH SCHOOL ART TEACHER WAS SITTING and

It’s white lady shit and I kind of love it (as a white lady who loves tacky shit).

Grew up listening to Bob Marley records while cleaning with my parents; something about "Buffalo Soldier" while cleaning just seems right.

yeah, that’s a real thing and i totally get that but yeah, the op-ed bullshit has to fucking stop.