Come on now...that would take effort on my part. Here’s another unoriginal meme.
Come on now...that would take effort on my part. Here’s another unoriginal meme.
Most shitty drivers don’t know they’re shitty drivers if the antics of the geriatric population of my almost rural town is any indication.
The police have released an image of the driver that night:
I’m pretty sure it’s cuz these services basically “hire” anyone.
Or: Why do broke people sign up for stuff that gives them money? /s
Why do shitty drivers sign up for a job that requires nothing but driving?
they hit 88mph, and we saw some shit
So that wasn’t a Mustang leaving Cars and Coffee?
I understand the situation in large counties and rural areas wouldn’t be he best. But, I would assume that a large percentage of fire stations have back up generators and fuel to be able to support a power outage for a few days.
This comment was a roller coaster. Thank you, I think.
“At the end of the day, the type of buyer who is dropping over $140,000 on a 911 isn’t going to split hairs over a few grand.”
I feel that an electric fire engine is the absolute best use of the technology. Fire engines do short infrequent trips, need massive amounts of torque. What is the draw back?
Cheapest? That’s not how MAGA works.
Not even that. They are asking for government funds to prove consumer demand for cars consumers want but can’t afford AND the logistical net work can not support.
There’s no need to even have the tournament this year. Kobe Buffalomeat is the UConn Women’s team.
Dick Posthumus is a Michigan Republican politician, who lost the Governor’s race in 2002. He deserves no votes.
How about they use the dime of yours that they already needed to spend in a way that will improve the lives of your kids and grandchildren?
Besides, EVs have an excellent cost per mile. They might actually be saving you money in the short term too.
Considering the unpredictable oil market, are these not cheapest long term?