
Somebody over at deadspin made a loco motive joke about Curt Schilling’s dumb conspiracy theories that I want desperately to steal for next time. Can I do that? Do you think anyone will notice?

but she was married to (?) Wiz Khalifa and used to date Kanye

They’re talking about her persona, not her body. Similar to when a boring/mediocre white actor or entertainer gets compared to “white bread.” Buttered noodles = bland, boring, etc.

Hypocrisy and double standards don’t outrage you? They really should.

I don’t normally comment, but I felt the need to point out the hypocrisy of this article. I’m all for pointing out if a women is being body shamed, for whatever reason, but to call a white, non curvy, white, blonde, blue eyed girl a “ walking bowl of buttered noodles” is absolutely doing the SAME DAMN THING.

I’m not sure how large promotion of this film will be in Australia, but he’s bloody made sure I won’t be seeing it if it makes it to a cinema near me.

Is Julianne the same bitch that wore blackface for a costume?

Clearly a sincere sentiment given the ‘give no fucks’ bread it was sandwiched between.

Even the worst rape apologists tend to be vehemently opposed to what they considere “real” rape. It’s just that the only rape they consider real is the fictional variety.

He doesn’t think what he did was rape. His victim failed to say no hard enough, so it was acceptable for him to keep pushing her. It’s what men do! Whereas a slave being raped by owners is awful and horrible and deserves total condemnation.

He is scum. You couldn’t pay me to see this film and support him.

Take. A. Turn. He thinks that’s normal.

That’s absolutely true. But it’s the direct connection that gets me. Writing a scene that is, by all accounts, extremely powerful and brings you into the perspective of the woman raped and makes you feel her anguish, when he himself did that.

Seriously. Why does he keep granting interviews? What PR person thinks he has anything to gain by giving this high profile interview where he says he’s not sorry? I know he maintains his innocence while also saying mealy-mouthed things like “our understanding of consent is different now.” But, maybe play a less

Out the window when it didn’t just make everyone’s feelings about the matter go away and no one rushed to say, “okay, all’s forgiven!”

Unfortunately it happens all the time. Some really powerful art has been created by horrible people.

Hey, where did the ‘profound sorrow’ go?

I still can’t quite wrap my mind around the fact that two men who raped a woman then got together years later to write a scene where a woman is raped and traumatized, specifically crafted to evoke extreme sympathy and fury in both viewers and the main character himself.

What about inviting your friends in to watch and take a turn? No apology for that?

Parker is trying real hard to ensure that no woman wants to go see his film. Smashing job, idiot.