
I have not heard any prayers issued from the pro-gun side. But TBH, I’m not paying much attention to shootings anymore. They happen so frequently that I expect them to happen daily :(

Not making light of this awfulness, but does the pro-gun segment even bother to make excuses about the issue of gun violence anymore? Or do they just angrily shout about a guy who’s not standing for the National Anthem?

I clearly misunderstood what site I was reading. I thought this was Gawker Media, and that disrespectful discourse was the order of the day here. I am delighted to discover that has apparently changed and am happy to rephrase:

The video is well-intentioned, but the metaphor of jumping hurdles, not to mention the doubling down on athletic prowess, seems especially ableist in this context.

It’s like he knows that Prince George was named after his ancestor, and not him. That’s why.

He shook Obama’a hand when he and Michelle visited.

I noted that and was pleased that no-one forced the contact issue, I did a little squee at Trudeau demonstrating good consent decorum. *swoon*

Now there is just no excuse for that! It’s unnatural to not take him to Prince George and buy him a tee-shirt with PRINCE GEORGE printed on it from a souvenir shop! 


Awww, I think he tried the “high five” move, which is good for kids - much lower commitment and less intimidating than a hug or handshake.

I propose a trade! You guys can have the bigoted orangutan, we’ll take the handsome, progressive yoga enthusiast.

If i bend like that, I’ll never be able to get up again.

Will happily send Trump your way!

Kate is in heels and a dress, carting around a tiny human. How does she BEND that gracefully? Do your knees and core muscles become magic when you’re Royalty?

My thoughts, exactly! I want that dress BAD. Anyone know who she’s wearing?

Prince George also snubbed my city of Prince George by not including us on the tour. We are all beneath him. I’m kind of glad I’ll likely be dead before he’s king. Bound to be a ruthless tyrant.

It’s interesting you should mention “trigger warnings”. As we near the election, I find more and more conservatives getting uncomfortable with jokes at their candidates’ expense, frank conversations about policy, and the acknowledgement that certain types of people exist.

This article should have come with a trigger warning for conservatives since the words “gender neutral” really gets them going, and by “trigger warning,” I mean you should begin your article title with, “Fuck you, conservatives”.