
Yep, they should have a trained liaison that takes you to the police station and supports you from the university, but they shouldn’t be doing the investigations.

Title IX is fucked.

An RN midwife would greatly cut down on the cost of births for everyone, too. It reduces the immediate cost for the low-risk pregnancy, sure, but surely it must also cut down on unnecessary hospital costs and procedures due to protocol, so that more attention is spent on the high-risk patients. Then, since less

The lack of decent universal healthcare has to play a major role in this too. You brush off symptoms because you don’t want to pay the money to go to the doctor or back to the hospital. You don’t take the additional blood test or go back for your routine check-up.

I used to work news camera for a local TV station meaning we covered a lot of car wrecks and you wouldn’t believe the number of people who decided to go out driving after a beer or twelve who had a CHOOSE LIFE bumper sticker or similar on their car. I tried to frame it well when I edited the news later.

Their parents probably waited until they were seven to talk to them about police brutality.

I dream of seeing increased support and utilization of midwifery in my lifetime, and that can include, as far as I’m concerned, nurse/midwives attending low-risk homebirths. My care provider for my second child was a midwife (R.N.) and it was such a wonderful experience.

Saw a lady driving an SUV yesterday morning with a bumper sticker on the rear windshield that read ‘CHOOSE LIFE!’


Universe health care access would make a huge improvement, honestly. Women wouldn’t have to worry about blood test costs, additional testing, will see a doctor earlier for problems, etc.

Alberta has a midwife program whereby home birth with a midwife is free, and the midwife is a RN. It’s hard to access to the program because, obviously, the demand is overwhelming, but nevertheless it’s there, giving people more options that are still safe and lessens the overall impact on the system for low-risk

Save ‘em when they’re fetuses, fuck ‘em when they’re born. That’s the religious right’s secret mantra and this is the result.

all of those things plus the lack of universal health care.

Them, and the forced-birth douchebags what say “you can just give it up for adoption” as if pregnancy and childbirth weren’t a huge goddamn ordeal.

Isn’t it a side effect of the obesity crisis, especially in light of the reduction in smoking in the US?

I’d love for this information to serve as a impetus to quell haughty douchebags from getting all huffy and pearl-clutchy about how women choose (or have) to give birth—vaginal, “natural,” c-section, VBAC, RCD, etc—pull their heads out of their asses for a second and be like “Yo, here’s a problem that’s affecting WAY

Poverty, lack of education, food deserts, terrible women’s health services, miseducation about our bodies (I have learned more about my body in the comments section than I ever did in school). Possibly related to our high percentage of C-sections too maybe? (Meaning people who have multiple deliveries via C-section

It doesn’t sound like this is the case. Some one else working on/around that plane saw what he did and reported it.

Marion can rest now that she’s no longer being targeted. I didn’t buy the affair tidbit, but this ...

If this is true, I can see why she moved swiftly with the divorce and her having physical custody. From my impression, her children are her priority and she would want to keep them safe.