I clicked on this hoping for a Bloc Party review. This sounds (and from the photo, looks) more like a Kele solo album. Disappointed.
I clicked on this hoping for a Bloc Party review. This sounds (and from the photo, looks) more like a Kele solo album. Disappointed.
Worst Star Wars movie? I had some issues but um… you have seen Attack Of The Clones right?
Yeah I've been there. There's few things that saps your self esteem and joy than trying to find work. It can be soul destroying at times. Power through it man and don't forget that you're appreciated.
Don't be silly, you're one of the good ones and we always appreciate your input. I'm glad to hear you haven't cut for a while. I've had many close friends go through dark times throughout my life so I always want to lend an ear whenever I hear that someone I like is struggling.
I always imagined that Manson was aiming to create a similar run to Bowie's in the early 70s. (His success at this was varied but I think the intent is clear)
Good man. We don't want any of our beloved commenters going all suicidey on us.
I think daddy needs to get his rocks off.
I've been called something that sounds like that.
Never Ever
Never ever ever.
They seems more like Addams's to me, but yeah, that would only make me want to watch it more.
After the weak Charlie, the mixed success of Sweeney Todd (I liked it, many didn't) and two rubbish Pirates sequels most of his previous fandom comforted themselves by waiting for the next collaboration with Burton convinced it would be a return to form for both the director and star.
Ah, but what if they cast Tom Hardy as a surprisingly good looking Hoggle?
I saw my Bowie, crying hard as Bowies can cry…
Duncan Jones behind camera would be rather exciting actually.
Well, it's most likely it would be the original meaning which inspired the film…
I didn't take Caine's comment to be a negative on DiCaprio's abilities. In fact I took it as the opposite, that he was convinced that Leo's Oscar is all but inevitable so any other lead actor shouldn't feel the need to turn up just to celebrate someone else's success.
It's quote common for people speaking in their second language to take on the accent of whoever taught it to them. I always imagined that Gruber had spent so long 'being English' that returning to his actual German voice felt uncomfortable for him and he ended up in some weird middle ground.
That relationship is rocky at best…