Das Mogul

At least WWDITS was fucking hilarious so it has that going for it.

Surely everyone knows PJ Harvey and Elvis Costello?

Clearly the only honourable way for a band to achieve mainstream success is to be as unlikable as possible while expressing total hatred for the general public.

Era Vulgaris did turn up as a bonus track on the extended edition of Era Vulgaris though.

I imagined the that the guards believed the "If you die in improv, you die in real life" nonsense as much as Todd so genuinely passed out but that they'd probably wake up an hour or so later wondering how they are still alive.

Non-fictional Sleuth

"No, it's that the film was more concerned with Robyn not KNOWING about it, because her watching the tape with Simon would have been gratuitously cruel to her. It would have been much simpler to have the two of them come home together and watch the tape together, but the film made the relatively palatable choice of

The depressing thing with the ending of this film is that the mid-film twist actually succeeds in making Rebecca Hall the central protagonist of the film with agency and dramatic power and then completely forgets that and takes it away again in the final scenes. It's the wasted potential that is so infuriating.

The film does make it pretty clear that it wasn't simply the rumours about Gordo that Bateman started that made him a monster. The chiropractor character was suggested to have been a friend of Bateman's who had helped with the bullying at the time but who had since apologised and made his peace with Gordo.

I always find it strange how someone must have read about Gatsby holding these grotesquely extravagant parties (which he personally barely attended and never enjoyed for an entire class of horribly entitled shallow people trying to fill the void in their souls with drink and music) solely as part of slightly creepy

That quote could be used as an insult but I don't think that was the intention here. It was simply describing how a usually comedic concept is readapted for drama instead.

Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre

This film was released months ago in the UK and I quite enjoyed it. Therefore, when the Minions teaser trailer first appeared showing the slapstick killings of the Minion's previous masters my first reaction was to think 'Wow! They are doing a Shaun the Sheep and making a sort-of silent movie. This sounds way better

Well what other voice would you use to sing about Moonmen?

Rapier Ape? My god! He's even rapier than Rape Ape!

BJ Novak?

I came here particularly to post that no, Welsh is NOT a normal voice.

It does almost always lead to embarrassing results.

Most people don't punch a coworker in the face because they failed to supply a good enough free dinner for them and then get their next door neighbour who also happens to be the Prime Minister suggest on national television that the laws surrounding assault be ignored in this case so his pal can get his multi-million

Zombies, by their very nature, are inconsistent.