Nice of them to make a disclaimer for people unable to understand the film’s explicit text. Always been difficult for me to understand even the most basic film messages so this stuff comes in handy.
Nice of them to make a disclaimer for people unable to understand the film’s explicit text. Always been difficult for me to understand even the most basic film messages so this stuff comes in handy.
No no, the introduction for Robocop will tell the audience about how OCP is just a bad egg and doesn’t reflect how great all corporations are in real life.
Not *everything* but nearly everything (I haven’t found anything I wanted to read missing), and they add new back issues every single week.
Well Marvel Unlimited costs just about the same I think and I’d say it’s well worth the money, DC would should just beef up the comic selection and make it a comics only service.
I loved Gotham when it was at its campy best. Fun(?) fact about the Scarface episodes is that I believe it was a result of the fifth season getting two extra episodes late into production, since it was originally ordered as 10 episodes. That’s the reason Penn suddenly appears and then is dead again before the episode…
I strongly disagree with people who subscribe to the notion that all children’s animated shows look the same nowaways, the CALArts style as some call it - stupid and reductive. But. I now also strongly believe that nearly all current adult-aimed animation-comedies look the same, this feeling was only further deepened…
Very much with you on TLOUS2, might even say that I found myself liking the second half more than the first. The Jeffrey Wright cameo was weird to me at first because the game is so uncanny-valley/nearly-photo-real, that hearing his voice coming out of a person who doesn’t look like him was strange (he’s great though…
Slightly off-topic: I started watching Vida because the showrunner, Tanya Saracho, was on a THR Comedy Showrunner Roundtable, and was very surprised to find that show was very not-comedy (still had some light moments though) - which makes sense because it’s a drama.
The joke is that he’s a privileged person who thinks that him not being able to watch Godzilla is equivalent to people in Flint not having access to clean drinking water. It’s like... a decent self-depricating joke that isn’t really offensive.
I guess I am the fool for clicking on this article about Monk when I’m only mid-way through the first season. womp womp
Whatever way they do it I just really want to see the Original 5 in action together, either as teens or as a X-Factor like team, something FOX never did with them.
I thought one possible approach to the “Apparently they’ve been here this whole time” problem could be to establish that Professor X, maybe with the help of Jean Grey, had been using his powers (a bit immorally) to keep mutants from the public’s mind.
Two thoughts I had in relation to problem with disconnecting Erik from his holocaust roots, which I agree would be a terrible choice.
Pull the trigger, it’s so great.
Can’t believe it took me this long to start 30 Rock but I am so glad I got around to it.
Nah, if Christian Bale’s playing Beta Ray Bill you know he is going to get extensive plastic surgery to shape his head like that of a horse.
and directed by Sam Raimi!
I enjoyed all the Scream films to varying degrees, and Scream 4 is definitely much better than 3.
Thank god for this episode! I’d always liked Doctor Who but the fact that she wasn’t the most special most important most unique being in the universe really bugged me! Thanks to Chibnall to fixing this!
Need I remind you of THE POWER OF 3? <yes that is a real episode. google it. apparently it did happen even though you and no other human remembers it>