
Does it still have the cat suppressor?

Ha ha. I got Sakura and Chun Li, but I guessed Chun Li every time. Even after I got Chun Li.

Free to play needs to fucking die

There's your problem. Nothing wrong with watching porn, everyone does, all tastes... but paying for it!?!!? YOU SICK SONOVABITCH!

Now I'm the last one to be a graphics whore...but that Aisha Tyler screenshot. Man. That's bad.

There is still Dailymotion, the best video streaming service of them all.

That trailer was terrible. Zero game play, no context, and nothing that says, " Be excited about a game." at all. Also looks old gen.

As much as I like the microtransaction system they built into CS:GO, I can't help but feel it's also a way to push content development off to the community so Valve has less work to do. It's ultimately a win-win for Valve, but I feel it's less for the community and more for themselves.

Steam Tags are stupid. It was a shortcut for Valve to stop paying for the development for any degree of decent recommendation algorithm, just like Green Light was a mechanism for them to not have to spend time reviewing games for sale.

I wish the PC Master Race would get over the idea that Valve can do no wrong.

I could be totally wrong but I thought that was concept art from The Force Unleashed.

That's an interesting set of thoughts. But I think you're exaggerating a little. It's just a hobby! We all have our favorite past times!

Ah, Americans. Confirming stereotypes every day.

And the A actually stood for Arts!


Jessie looks kinda hot

That's a lot of titillation.

If you have to use a calculator for 10%, please just stay indoors and spare the rest of us from the possibility of having to interact with you

Apparently the quality of lifehacker readers is going down, if we have to explain how to move a dot...

If you need your phone to help you calculate 10%, you have no business having ANY money to spend.

Except, we've seen the PS4/Xbox One version played ... this is just what it looks like current gen.