Marvel's Agents of W.E.N.E.E.D.N.E.W.S.H.O.W.R.U.N.N.E.R.S.
Marvel's Agents of W.E.N.E.E.D.N.E.W.S.H.O.W.R.U.N.N.E.R.S.
Netflix is probably the likeliest after The Killing was picked up by them.
Granted FX says only 20% of viewers watch it live, but it's nice to see a cable channel take DVR numbers into consideration.
Hadn't thought of that, perfect fit.
The big question would be how they would do The Big Lebowski without The Dude.
I can see him being killed off around Episode 7, but the show took some big risks tonight so who knows.
Fuckin a man.
Nobody else will ever capture Jeff Bridges' portrayal of The Dude. Nobody.
Maybe his famous rug will make a cameo.
Big Lebowski should always be the first choice, who wouldn't want to watch The Dude on a weekly basis? Jeff Bridges would have to be in the series though.
I saw on the guide at the last minute it was going to be on until 11:37 which had me wary at first, but they used that time great. I can't believe they went 30 minutes without a commercial break.
Lorne is a witty Heisenberg, Lester is Walter White with no smarts.
Holy shit that was amazing. I get the feeling Lorne and Lester will become a mix of Felix & Oscar and Rust & Marty.
Who else immediately started thinking about the band Chicago when reading the article's title?
It sucks to see his character go away, but I'm really interested in him being himself.
Weakest episode of the season yet, though maybe I'm still high on the last few episodes. I'm being a bit too generous by giving it a B.
Considering this article has about 200 less comments than the expert one, I can add in another reason on why I need to read the books.
FYI Silicon Valley is at 10 and Veep 10:30.
Top 3 episode of the show for sure. The polygraph should be interesting next week. Oh, and this probably had the most sex scenes on any episode from any show in quite a while.
Quiz: Which entertainment crossover theory are you?