Many 80's/90's comic book storylines weren’t very good. Case in point: The Watchmen -- one of the most overrated stories of all time.
Many 80's/90's comic book storylines weren’t very good. Case in point: The Watchmen -- one of the most overrated stories of all time.
Good trailer. Far better than BvS and JL trailers. I’m kinda shocked.
Any hope for a remake of MAGIC SWORD? Sadly, no news is good news right now.
Bitcoin only has value because people think it does. When the zombie apocalypse comes, none of this will matter -- I’ll take a few bullets in exchange for this loaf of bread -- while you clutch to your usb drive full if bit coins.
First trailer was bad. This one is really good -- makes me want to see the movie!
Wow... that looks... really uninteresting.
Well, this pretty much guarantees that NO OTHER LEGIT BUSINESS will be doing AMAs at 8 chan.
Dear fanboys who hated the new Ghostbusters movie years before it was actually released -- I just wanted to remind you that Ghostbusters 2 sucked.
It’s funny -- I think Big Bang is a terrible show, but Young Sheldon ain’t bad at all.
I’d love to go with Google on this... if they changed their wakeup word from “Hey Google” to something that isn’t stupid. The beginning of the commercial proves my point -- the guy calls on “Hal” to open the doors... then needs to call on his backup AI, “Alexa”... oops, I mean “Hey Google”.
Sorry to hear this dude -- explain to me again how Apex put a gun to your head and made you enter your credit card to buy all those loot boxes?
First, it’s unlikely the organizers would refund the customers anyway. Secondly, if Epic does NOT sue, organizations like this will continue their shady practices since they know they can get away with it. Suing is a necessary evil in a no-win-situation.
This is the best gaming article... ever.
I don’t understand. Why are there no titans? That’s like having a Gundam game... with no Gundams.
I wish I had sympathy for the people who lost their bit coins. I wish.
I have no desire to see the movie. It looks like it needs to be all cg or no cg. The color of her skin and her hair makes her look too cg.
Do you like it when a publisher COMPLETELY pulls out of Steam? Because that’s how you get a publisher to do that.
Any other games like “Advances Wars” you can recommend? I loved that series.
It’s fun, but it doesn’t feel like Cowboy Bebop at all.