
you both spelled “mick foley” wrong.

100% honesty.

rent is about as much as owning right now in most of florida. but go on ahead and listen to the trust fund kid.


flea market.

All the Berniacs out there are going to take their balls and go home if he isn’t the chosen one.

where do you put books for an illiterate?

oh yeah, no doubt. i’d start off at green though like sinestro did. 

oh yeah, no doubt. i’d start off at green though like sinestro did.

i want to throw him into the sun. that is literally the first thing i would do if the green lantern corps was a real thing and i got a ring.

No. emphatic.

i will never in my entire life tip someone for not doing anything. ever. never. ever. never never. ever.

that literally means, if i walked in and sat at a table and left - meeting a waiter or not. 


being that he is a movie reviewer, instead of being a responsible person and telling management when he knew the moving coming up would not be what the movie was supposed to be based on the trailers he took pictures and tweeted them - he was absolutely doing this for twitter likes.

everyone in that theater that is under the age 12, and wasnt wise that they were going to play the wrong movie based on those three trailers is a moron.

they dont play those types of trailers before children’s movies. fucking duh. fucking duh all the way to hell.

seriously. it’s not even funny anymore. nothing is funny anymore. 

honestly, i would much rather explain to my kid what eating ass is over the death of a family member.

he’s right. other people’s kids arent his problem.


i have a pain in my left calf that i cant get diagnosed. it’s gone as far as getting an ultrasound on it.