how about pedestrians just fucking pay attention. one of the best tihngs about electric cars is that they are QUIET
how about pedestrians just fucking pay attention. one of the best tihngs about electric cars is that they are QUIET
My name is ‘Gizmodo’ and I’m mad at Peter Theil for sueing the shit out of me for my poor journalistic integrity, slander, and other trash tabloid bullshit that I try to pass off to the public. So I am going to write mean articles about all of his friends because I am a petty piece of shit asshole.
My name is ‘Gizmodo’ and I’m mad at Peter Theil for sueing the shit out of me for my poor journalistic integrity, slander, and other trash tabloid bullshit that I try to pass off to the public. So I am going to write mean articles about all of his friends because I am a petty piece of shit asshole.
hey look i have a soap box
My name is ‘Gizmodo’ and I’m mad at Peter Theil for sueing the shit out of me for my poor journalistic integrity, slander, and other trash tabloid bullshit that I try to pass off to the public. So I am going to write mean articles about all of his friends because I am a petty piece of shit asshole.
you retard
Wow, it looks like you went painfully out of your way to show the interior of this... probably because you know the tesla looks a million times better.
Pretty sure this is all just a very elaborate “intellectual” humble brag... guess what? nobody cares if you read Ta-Nehisi Coates.
way to perpetuate a stereotype there bud
is he awful because he makes out with his wife? wow guys... you’re really reaching here
is this even an issue in GB? or is this just lawmaking for the sake of having laws? like, who ever looks at up skirt pics? i remember them from back in the 90's and they’re terrible
but does he know what he has?
love it when shitty bloggers use terms like “vocal minority” without putting any numbers or research forward to justify their claim. It is just gslighting. plain and simple.
thank you for the info captain obvious
maybe take some responsibility for your actions (or lack there of)
jesus christ, this shit has gotten outta control
Tesla sells 3000 model 3 per week, DOING TERRIBLE OMG... Bolt sells 500 a month... OMG SO GOOD LOOK AT GM DOING SO WELL... noooo we don’t have an Bias here at Jalopnik... NEVER
I do not believe in the repositoning of suicide from something committed, to “death by” because it is disingenuous.
so this chick sleeps around with a bunch of guys at work, then decides to write a hit piece on one of them, then wonders why people talk about it behind closed doors and cries about it?
says you... who has not seen how much the battery pack weighs