
did that word really make you enjoy the book 20% less?

I say about half of those... im white... and you can suck a dick if you think im gonna stop.

How about those shitty click bait titles.. you know when you are an author that has to resort to click bait titles, maybe you lack the talent to be an author in the first place. Alicia, you fucking suck and this articles sucks.

I think it is silly to suggest that media is to blame for guns now, maybe not gun violence, try as you might to suggest that, its scientifically proven false... so now... YOU OWN AND LIKE GUNS BECAUSE OF GAMES! what a ridiculous narrative.

is it just me or does it just not look very capable?

“May we all live in a world where none of these planes are necessary any longer, and may they all be retired long before their time is due.” what a stupid fucking comment to make if you write for a military blog.

very sad situation. cops need to go to jail.

I don’t think I would have been able to avoid that. Besides that, what the fuck was that bum doing in the middle of the fucking road with no reflectors on her bike? Like, when you start crossing the street, you are supposed to look both ways and avoid traffic. This lady should not have gone out in front of the car.

how about we ask ourselves why some fucking bum was playing in the middle of the freeway with no reflectors on her bike in pitch black when she could see a car coming at her?

there has been one incident. every uber car has not recently crashed, so your analogy is illogical and false.

This author has no business writing a note on a sticky pad, much less for a company values in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

the thing is not going to be able to break the laws of physics, if someone jumps out in front of you, the car needs a moment to slow down.

Sam is wearing nike’s in the video... you don’t see nike suing him for the shoes, or filing trademark claims against his youtube channel. What say you?


maybe fucking explain this to the customer, instead of being dicks

the price is only down by a few dollars. its not like this is some sort of crazy deal

the price is only down by a few dollars. its not like this is some sort of crazy deal

I recently put into practice exactly what you just said you would do. They sold me the car at the price we had initially agreed upon, before I drove 4 hours to their dealership, mostly to get me to stop screaming insults at the sales manager in the middle of the dealership showroom.

I made a deal with a dealer for a price on a car and they were very reluctant to put it into writing. I finally drove up there, over 4 hours, and they wanted me to pay a different price than the one I paid.

thats not how this works you fucking dolt

The man deserves due process. There are a million examples of females that accused people of rape for personal gain. If she sleeps around a lot, I think it is a fair question to bring up in a court case where someone is charging someone else with a sexual crime.