
I would have lost my shit and started chucking my university physics text books the moment that brake question came up. Well not really, those things were expensive. PLANES OF REFERENCE MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT!

“All White Men are Faggots LOL.”

50/50 lolz

I don’t get why you even brought it up in the first place. Having a CC doesn’t give nor is it a prerequisite to having situational awareness.

Yep, I certainly misread your “I am not going to tell you all to conceal carry” statement....

Every time I see Trump in the White House, or on Air Force One/Marine One, or anywhere physically germane to the office of POTUS, I get almost physically ill. The thought that he has “replaced” Barack Obama will forever be an endlessly cruel and shameful joke

“back all the way full” — How can anyone possibly still say or believe this? If you’ve never been to DC and are still confused about the National Mall’s geography, then check out sites like Google Maps. (Important: The Capitol is the eastern end, the Lincoln Memorial is the western end. Views from the two sites are

That’s possible. I don’t think it matters.

A hypocritical Republican? GTFO.

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

If the folks at MSNBC didn’t just press him, and press him, and then ask him to leave if he didn’t answer, they need to stop calling themselves a news organization. My Dad was a reporter and news executive for 40 years, and these people know how to do this. It’s baked right in.

anytime they look around and see faces that don’t look like their own, they think there’s still work to be done.

Oh, my sweet summer child...

Why would white people attack BLM protestors? BLM state that black people deserve equal rights and police need to be trained properly. There’s no “anti-white” message. This person states “Kill All Niggers”, which is a direct threat against black people.

Kiss my ass

I read the headline and the article, didn’t click through to the referenced article.

Even policies aside, he is not acting with the dignity that befits the office.

Yesterday, I considered writing my senator/representatives about my concerns. Today, I am considering making it a weekly affair. Starting a stamp fund now.

Blaming Hillary again, way to be a President.