
Just have the tuna salad and you’ll be 10 lb lighter just in time for landing!

0% financing on a brand new truck at 16!

Running shoes helped me when I was getting them too. Turns out you can’t run on ratty old tennis shoes regularly and be overweight.

This belongs on r/brokenrecord because fucking fuck, you morons don’t let up on this false equivalency

Don’t be stupid. There are countless other options.

Might explain why Shell consistently gives me the worst gas milage out of any other popular brand.

Sit down grandma, that is exactly how it works.

See! Government at it’s inefficient!

Luckily she wont have to for much longer

If only corn fields and cow shit could vote you’d have a point

So driving too fast for conditions and not maintaining a proper following distance?

Got any Micro Centers near you? I got a few for $5 when they came back in stock.

The expectation is that it not fall from the sky in the event of communication loss. Some DIY rigs have a ‘return to home’ function where it goes back to where you launched it. Unfortunately there’s a huge metal structure in the way this time.

I did ;)

Still waiting for people to realize urine is not sterile, but facts make no difference anymore.


Aye, buddy!

On the national mall next to the Victorian Secrets?

This was funnier on reddit last night

He’s reneged on the campaign promise to prosecute Hillary.