The Magic Pie

“Hey come I always see you playing that game in 5 - 10 minute intervals?”

Am I the only one who can’t get the recorder to work with FFXIV?

It worked the first time I installed Windows 10. And then after restarting my system it hasn’t worked since. I installed a new motherboard, which in turn meant I had to reinstall Windows 10, and surely enough, it stopped working after I shut down my PC.

Difficult? Hell no.

Time consuming? Let’s just say don’t make any plans to go anywhere that day.

I’m trying to grasp Machinist...but I can’t. :/

At least my Ninja is almost 60, I guess?

If you’re lucky enough to get in to the game, it’s great.

Heavensward in 12 days, if you’ve preordered, and you have early access. :D

So...this is essentially Minecraft, but with Lego?

If so, then goodbye world.

That’s alright. In a few months, I’ll get to use this one.

They know full well what they’re doing, and they have no intentions on changing. Or else they would have by now.

Considering GameStop just announced Wave 4 pre-orders, Greninja and Jigglypuff are store exclusives to unknown stores.

Gamestop will be opening pre-orders for Ness (GS Exclusive) Robin, Lucina, Wario, Charizard, and PacMan.

Are we sharing our children?

S&M Sandshrew, to be specific. :P

First person vomiting, as well.

My local Gamestop says they've waived the Street Date on Amiibos, so they're allowed to sell them whenever a case comes in.

As for Toys R Us, my local store had a sign posted saying all new Amiibos advertised for the sale on 1/30 will not be available. (Mega Man, Dedede, Sonic, and Ike)

According to my GameStop there's no "Street Date" for Amiibos, so they're allowed to sell them whenever they get their case.

As for my local Toys R Us, They've already posted a sign saying all the advertised Amiibos for tomorrow will not be available.

All dungeons/raids start you off in a barrier that doesn't go away until all players have viewed/skipped the cutscene. So essentially it just annoys the speed runners.

However, if it's a cutscene during the middle of the dungeon/raid no one is locked in place, so other people in your party could continue on, and leave


Am I the only one who thought a few of these CD track listings could pass as DDR playlists?