
Been having a blast with this game now that it’s final. Backed it in 2014 and checked in on it every several months. It feels like a fully complete game that is probably the best racing game I’ve every played. It straddles the line between realistic physicy simulation racer and arcade racer perfectly. It’s better than

Why is Atari even allowed to post this? Isn’t Indiegogo for... you know... Indies. Atari (In whatever weird holding company form it is now) is far from an indie company that needs to use this site. $200+ for something a Raspberry Pi Zero could do is a joke. I hope this fails miserably.

Psychonauts is 5 gigs, come on, you can find 5 gigs free on your PC, if not, you really need to learn how to manage your space better. Go delete 1 game that you don’t play and play that magnificent game, it deserves it. It’s one of the most creative games ever created.

I’m sorry, but what the hell is the point of this if it’s not coming until 2021? The same thing could happen again, it could just get cancelled again. There is zero reason to announce a game this far off.

I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing it. He looks like a child in a Superman halloween outfit, especially compared to Reeve. Reeve looks built to play it. He fills out the suit with that broad shoulders and chest. Cavil looks way too scrawny, like the slightest wind is going to blow him over.

Didn’t even know the game got released. Huh... oh well. Good riddance.

What kind of dumbass parents allow guns around kids? This has nothing to do about video games and has everything to do with the parents who didn’t keep their guns locked up when they have kids. Guns aren’t the problem. Video Games aren’t the problem. It’s stupid ass idiot people who are the problem.

Oh man, this happened to me a few weeks ago, I bought Sunset Overdrive long ago for like 8 bucks or something, and tried playing it and it said I didn’t own it and wanted me to get GamePass. So I signed up for the 14 day free trial, then usubbed. I thought for sure that I bought it, looked through my history and sure

Boy, people still haven’t learned that if you are modding, that you keep your mouth SHUT till the project is done, then when it’s finished you release it, and then pull it after it’s already on the internet and can live forever. Seriously, how do people NOT know this still??!?

This shows how stupid people really are and how people have terrible tastes. The Rocketeer was a fantastic movie and as a young kid when this movie came out, it was amazing and so much fun! They just don’t make movies like this anymore and it’s a shame. This just goes to keep me believing that most people are morons

This is actually super cool. This should be retroactively done for all the other games in the series. I really like this idea and always thought that the series was designed for something like this.

Can we stop referring to the free to play Battle Royale offshoot as “Fortnite”? It really isn’t and Fornite is basically dead in the water. Literally anyone who is talking about “Fortnite” is talking about the free to play mod that Epic threw together in a month to cash in on the popularity of Battlegrounds.

Glad publishers now don’t even have to front the money for development. Why would they when they can just beg people for it and then have zero risk but reap all of the reward!

Who looks at a keyboard when playing a game? How is this remotely useful for “serious” Battlegrounds players?

This is exactly why I don’t play multiplayer stuff. There is nothing fun about playing a game and not sure if you died because you aren’t good enough, or made a mistake, or just are playing with cheaters. I’d play games with bots 10 out of 10 times if given the chance.

What is the point of this? It’s not like it’s actually going to change to this. I just don’t see a point in posting this, unless it was going to bring about change.

It say’s its unavailable. Man, I was really looking forward to getting that game

It say’s its unavailable. Man, I was really looking forward to getting that game

Yeah the “it’s on everything” is stupid and doesn’t hold any actual weight. Look at any games from the late 80's and early 90's and then you’ll see what massive amounts of ports look like.

I wish it was digital for $20. I hate that digital versions of all these games are always still msrp. I haven’t even turned on my PS4 in a over a year and just play everything on Steam if it’s multiplatform since it’s always cheaper.

I wish it was digital for $20. I hate that digital versions of all these games are always still msrp. I haven’t even

Seriously? Sets up? that’s what everyone say’s every time a DC movie comes out. Please stop lying to yourselves and just realize that DC can’t make good live action movies of comic characters. Just STOP. Of course Justice League is a bad movie, this shouldn’t surprise anyone, I saw the scores when they got leaked