The Handsome Hound

I hope Twitter does. It may break Trump's already fragile mind


If they want to share shitty beliefs they can share the same tree branch

Now all they have to do is start reading the comments and slowly descend into madness.

He's gone rabid.

3 freshman year, 6 in my first month in sophomore and 3 in the rest of the semester.

I'd commit voter fraud for her

I had a college roommate that vaped. He loved to blow it my face when did it and referred to everyone as bitch

Someone get MLA, we need a despot we can trust and will bring the golden age we desperately need


I'll never forgive him for wasting Janelle Monae in We Are Young

Pure Heroine is one of my favorite albums of all time, but I'm glad that Lorde isn't trying to make a 1.5 version, instead going for a completely different style.

And is not a man.

She's a daughter of one of my fathers brothers.

I'll give it credit for not being as hateful as other catholic fiction.

Just a reminder that the author of the book cheated on his wife

She kept saying it's alright for her to ask that because her son is autistic.

Pitch Perfect?

I remember the last wedding I went to.