
I'm a lawyer, and I have to say he gets a lot of respect from me for doing this. As awful as what she did was, the fact is she probably has little or no money, and a judgment would not have accomplished much more than what he got from her confession. So instead of clogging up the legal system, he VERY graciously

This is awesome, I'm going to apply to work at Starbuck's and then tell them my religion forbids me from serving people caffeinated products. And then I'm going to apply at McDonald's and tell them that I will not be serving anyone any beef products because I'm a Hindu and see how far that goes. And then I'm going

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

I understand where you're going with that. But I'm not going to paint myself as a bad citizen who "gives away everyone's rights" because I always comply entirely and immediately with authority figures. I'm going to cooperate politely with the police because it is to my benefit, is my natural inclination, is what I

Chris O'Dowd should not have a Franco-inspired inferiority complex. Given my druthers, I'd take that strapping Irish gentleman any day over borderline creepy James Franco. I mean c'mon, look at him. The beard, the eyes, the curly hair I just want to run my fingers through, it all works.