This is basically the reason I can’t really get an EV right now - the apartment complex I live in has no chargers at all. I expect however that this will be gradually changing as demand increases for such amenities
This is basically the reason I can’t really get an EV right now - the apartment complex I live in has no chargers at all. I expect however that this will be gradually changing as demand increases for such amenities
Here’s another thought - think about how much real estate space we use for office buildings. Now consider what it would mean if even half of that was converted to residential housing.
Some people feel that way. Me, I don’t ever want to go back to the office, and am looking to try and convince my work to let me stay remote even when they do reopen.
You don’t need to force it. Just incentivize it. Use tax credits, because everyone likes tax credits.
I think some of it really is just one manifestation of how the Boomers just can’t let go of power, all around.
Anytime someone uses the term “Real Americans”, you might as well just replace that with “White People.” Or more simply, anytime they talk about “America”, swap that c to a k - or a kkk. Because it’s not the actual “America” they’re talking about.
It was just a subset of the evils of slavery. What’s worse is that deep down, they all knew it, too - but rather than do what was right, they did what was profitable, and came up with all sorts of perverse justifications for it. Unfortunately today, even a century and a half after we put an end to Slavery, those…
I prefer to lay the majority of the blame for that on Joe Fucking Liebermann. Sure, any one Republican could’ve stepped in and saved it in his place, but he was the one who explicitly killed it.
Remember, just because it’s using ostensibly legal/constitutional mechanisms, doesn’t mean it isn’t a coup.
The purpose is twofold, even though neither of them apply anymore. One, the college was supposed to be where a bunch of wise men (it was only men back then) were selected to off and discuss and come to decide on a President, much like the College of Cardinals picking a new Pope. And two, the old three-fifths rule…
Yep - it’s pretty fascinating stuff, or at least I tend to think so.
It definitely feels like something’s missing, out of the cosmology. We have an answer for what happens to Bad people (really bad go to the Maw, mostly bad go to Revendreth), or if you’re warlike and I guess no more than a little bad you go to Maldraxxus (which seems very odd since it’s almost literally Scourge undead w…
Buddhist hell also isn’t a place of eternal damnation - it’s a place of torment and punishment, sure, but one that a soul will eventually be returned from.
Depends on if you pick a PVP server or not. :)
It’s really my core complaint (or one of them) about WoW. They do a great job of presenting a story, but you are granted ZERO agency within that story save for a few rare occasions (which themselves only serve to highlight just how little any choice you make will matter).
The good ol’ Republican double-standard at work, folks. Remember, it’s okay to do stuff if you’re Republican, but only if you’re Republican! So much as have a speck of dust on your clothes as a Democrat, though...
The music industry has never failed to be stupidly shortsighted on things that ought to be a golden opportunity for them. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into online music sales, and pretty much every innovation since, too.
Don’t get one of the mass produced turkeys that have been bred for ridiculous amounts of meat. Try a real “heritage” turkey from an actual turkey breed - they’re tastier and more nutritious too. They’re more expensive, for sure, but it’s worth the extra cost.
Yes - the Biden electors are hand-picked ultrapartisan Democrats. For instance, one of the New York electors is none other than Hillary Clinton. The electors aren’t going to swing it for him. No, pay attention to these attempts to try and stop the vote from being certified, because he thinks that if that happens he…
Yeah, day trading is pretty much on par with gambling, but long term (decades, as mentioned) balanced portfolio investing is an entirely different thing.