The Loon

After watching the pilot Mia Kirshner's character is a hallucination right? That's the sense I got. Danny might be more messed up than anyone realizes. I bet she's the girl who wanted him to punch her during sex and maybe he killed her? Who knows…interesting first ep.

excuse me? Pinot Noir would like a word with you

"He says he fought a war against the Germans, you know the guys from soccer!"

1. no bomb shelter 2. no modern gritty cynical world 3. sweet disposition and goofy nature pisses people off 4. what old fashioned values? From 1998?

"We hate Christians and Republicans: The List" Pretty much what this reads like


Kevin and Nora are awesome…so are Jill and Matt…that's 4

aka actual plot twists…which the book doesn't provide

better ratings than Treme…that got 4 seasons…it'll get at least two

Subway is by far the largest fast food chain in the US…10,000 more locations than McDonalds…Quiznos never had a chance

if you can stream the episodes watch the whole thing…I had no idea season 1 and 2 apparently sucked until after I watched both seasons and went on the internet to read about them…I loved both seasons…as well as 3 and 4…red herrings people say…I say honest interpretation of detective work…pretty sure real detectives

not 0% but I'd say somewhere around 5-10% max…they ended it like the end this season…I'd leave it where they did

THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE REGULAR TEENAGERS…do you know how teenagers would act in this scenario when even dogs are losing their minds?

wow…I didn't get ANY of what you wrote in the second paragraph when I was watching…I don't think there was any religious symbolism in this episode besides the fact that it just happened to be baby jesus that was stolen…it could have been anything and they just chose to use something we'd recognize because it was set

I'm an editor…and….I couldn't do that…Weird Al you've done it again!

2 for 2 Al. Keep em coming!

he's only got a few years left…crossroads demons don't forget…hell hounds are on the way

I'm sure this has been mentioned but he bet red because he saw the pigeons when he was stopped at a red light and they were perched near another red light

Walkabout is my ALL-TIME favorite episode of LOST…mostly because it was the first episode that made me literally sit up and say "holy S!" I can watch it till this day and the ending still makes me tear up

Greatest Hits is an all-time underrated LOST episode…so good