the life you save may be your own

In my house growing up, swearing was seen as a healthy way to vent feelings of frustration. Swearing at someone (unless clearly joking) was a no-no. Swearing about the state of things in general was (is) fair game. I can’t think of any more appropriate reason to be swearing right now.

I really don’t like that nickname for the bus because Ms. Frizzle wouldn’t have let this shit go down.

Cover your asses in Calabasas?

She was a big one for my family. I'll take her screwball romantic misunderstandings over Katherine Heigl, Kate Hudson, and Renee Zellweger rolled up together.

All of this gossip news is meaningless! Lupita Nyong’o and Janelle Monae are dating! Did you hear me? I said, LUPITA AND JANELLE ARE A COUPLE! ALL HAIL JAPITA!

Get out.

I watched all six episodes one after the other and loved it.  Aidy Bryant was brilliant in her ability to convey her nervousness about being in her body and being in sexual (and other) situations.  It was awkward and difficult to watch. Everything about it was so right on.  

I agree with Lindy about the politics here, but I also kind of wanted to shake Annie for using the morning after pill as birth control. A, that’s not what it’s for and I’m not sure using it that way is really good for you, and b, she’s an assistant calendar editor. She probably makes $35k a year. She should not be

I assume Emma Stone will play Lim Eun-Soo.

How do you make through fucking HIGH SCHOOL without having read it??

I believe he can lie.

When Nixon’s lawyer John Dean testified to congress against Nixon, the public knew it was an earthquake. And like John Dean, Michael Cohen is going to prison for things he did for the boss. This is Cohen’s best chance to make an impact (and salvage some shred of a reputation), even if that only means convincing some

There’s only one doggo in my heart though.

Ken Jeong is an actual doctor, but he’s proving what a good actor he is by not strangling her. 

I don’t think that’s true ... paying attorneys fees in some cases is obligatory, so I don’t think it has to be particularly egregious as you’ve stated. 

Well, Gaga stays on message, at least.

Your world changes when your mother dies. Condolences to Oprah.

Shoulder-checked Aziz Ansari in the East Village about six years back, not realizing it was him. Asshole was taking up the whole sidewalk.