
Well let’s be realistic here... For every nigger this cop kills that’s one less mouth to feed on welfare

It’s still a 30 year old alfa

I’m just gonna say it..nice price or Crack pipe?

Someone call Eric the car guy he might want this one

This is a nice price all day long..especially for something this weird and ahead of its it comes with a willie Nelson for president bumper sticker

For $6,000....its close for me between np or cp....if i could get it on a lift and see how bad the corrosion actually is...if Minimal rust np all day

And this is why I just bought a focus St.... 5 model years after they first became available

My money is on this car taking the record for highest cp % ever

Where I come from...

My inner Russian says niet

This is a perfectly reasonable $5500 excuse to get in the right lane on the freeway and eat up the miles in style

Np with a very cautious caveat

My reaction to this piece of anal ulcer....

Cp all day

This isn’t a crack pipe.... This is a meth spoon....