Robert Maitland, Architect

I started to listen to Iannis Xenakis, a modern classical music composer thanks to something IV wrote a few months back. I like it, because it's utterly unlike anything I'd ever heard before.

Thanks for posting this on the Marc Maron thread. It's so awful over there, I keep looking for anyone I knew and it's just a wasteland. Hell, they might all be there but Kinja's hiding them.

Single-spacing has been the standard for a few years now. I had to retrain myself, but now it’s second nature.

“[P]assersby or out-of-towners are bound to ask what the cloaked things are in the middle of the park.” I’m reasonably confident that if someone were to find themselves in downtown Charlottesville right now, they’d have a pretty good idea of what those things are.

So he’s more Nazi Classic than Neo. Maybe he can head down to Argentina.

This is much, much, much worse than I expected. I hope I’ll see you st the AVCAD or something. You were always one of my favorites.


I’m pretty sure I’m done here.

I don’t know why you’re in the grays, but I just starred you so maybe that’ll help.

While Anderson Cooper and his guests wrung their hands over this on CNN last night, the ticker at the bottom the screen made a one sentence mention of the fact that the Feds are defunding a project that studies the health impact of mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia. Maybe that should have been the lead story.

Jesus Christ, I had to do that god damned claim your account thing like a hundred times, I got activated on my phone a good ten minutes before I got in on my desktop, and this place is ugly as fuck.

“[A] crowd of sweaty, agitated people...”

To quote J.G. Ballard, “Everything is clean and shiny but oddly threatening.”

Godspeed, Count.

This seems like a good one to go out on. See you on the other side, friends.

It's more sickened by, but we'll let it go this time.

I'm going to give it a shot. You weirdos are more fun than working.

You're one of the best around here. Thanks for everything.

I hope you win second place in a beauty pageant.

Eventually, yes. But not today.