last pants you will ever wear

i'm confident Bloys accidentally forgot to mention reviving Carnivale. i'll wait by the internet for that correction. it's gonna happen. Nick Stahl isn't busy.

extra sausage

^^^ That.

they pretty much did that on venture bros, episode 306, dr quymm. it's like the best lesbian bannon fanfic you'll ever get

it's a weave.

Action Jonny doesn't like "AND Special Anything!"

what kind of MONSTER…?

AND he watches PBS pledge drive season programming WITHOUT DONATING!!! how can you ignore those people?

well, your story had me on the edge of my seat! crowd pleased.

better than negligent homicide. but dammit coming to america is still funny. and animal house. and blues brothers. hell his masters of horror is pretty good. at least he's not roman polanski.

i wish the landises were the worst hollywood or the world had to offer.

nice, i thought i was the only severe person here. i'm not being sarcastic, i am a fun vampire. everyone brings up ferris bueller and i'm all, "john hughes writes like an alien trying to approximate human behavior. most of his movies are pathetically white, and disgustingly rich. yay, let's root for a spoiled rich kid

oklahoma looks like mars. no, like if mars impregnated texas.

the perfect way to deal with them is not the guillotine or a mass grave. keep them alive and well, relocate them to small 1 or 2 bedroom apartments in low income areas, make them get shitty retail jobs as their sole source of income, and repurpose all CIA snoops to make sure they don't try to better their situation

the revisited fan favorite property is generally doomed (MST3K: i don't mean you. you're one of the good ones.). it's like revisiting an old relationship. and dammit, Ecto Cooler and i are just different people now.

i'm only a memory, i have no new information for you.

our food absorbs some of that delicious delicious fat, otherwise what's the point of eating at all? or living. they made a movie about this, it's called tales from the crypt: demon knight. typical liberal media, they made it a religious horror movie.

brother you had better believe Pat Nixon would come out on top, soaked in blood and wearing a Frazetta barbarian outfit. and all GOP wives who lose, but don't die, well…there will be a lot of divorce faxes and texts coming to that hospital (Newt Gingrich)

as a Gobblin american you've deeply offended me. i might even be triggered.

it has been a challenging mating season for hawk.