@redman042: The $800+ vacuum I use at work uses a bag. I use a Dyson 'Animal' at home. In comparing the two; my Dyson kick the high priced commercial vacs butt. Durability wise, my Dyson would never survive what we put commercial vacs through.
@redman042: The $800+ vacuum I use at work uses a bag. I use a Dyson 'Animal' at home. In comparing the two; my Dyson kick the high priced commercial vacs butt. Durability wise, my Dyson would never survive what we put commercial vacs through.
Not worth the space it takes up in the temp folder
I won't go to a 3D movie because of the need to wear disease laden glasses. Anyhow, why would I want one more thing in my house that I have to dust because no one is using them. (Heaven help me, my father is starting to make sense to me!)
One thing no one mentioned - dressing for the office keeps the wife from asking you to do chores during work hours.
Lastpass tops my list. It does everything I need AND is perfect for tech challenged people like my wife.
"there's often little middle managers can do about it"
Good grief. 60 bucks at Harbor freight gets you a hand truck that will actually work. :-) #diy
I wait till the wife is ready to sleep or when she is doing her paperwork for the next day so, it varies. When we both have free time we'd rather spend it hanging out together rather than staring at a screen.
@nukee: That's Olivia from 'Fringe' checking up on Walter via Skype?
Pretty weak article from Men's Flair.
@Mrobinson587: I'm going to guess that your Internet connection is wifi and we are talking a wireless handset for a landline? Try changing channels in the router. Some phones allow for changing channels too. Move the router to a different location, esp. if it is within proximity of the phone base.
The higher storage limits for web based email like gmail and live convinced me to move my email of the desktop.
@Jason Fitzpatrick: I think it's uncool to have your phone in your pocket and have it chime every time it loses its connection to the network.
Milk, I won't drink it on the expiration date and I give it the smell test from the first time it is opened. I also look at the bottom of the container before I touch a drop because of finding a roach in a just opened gallon jug when I was a kid.
I either make do with what comes out... if it is edible... or just send it back and ask for nothing. Well, maybe another beer. I don't make a big scene. I just lose my appetite rather quickly.
I just use an iron.
I am happy to see Google getting close to joining the rest of reality. Labels are okay but they are time consuming for active email accounts. Drag and drop is a smart move.
I love the toothpaste use but I suspect the wife will not be thrilled.
@High Speed Indeed: Ahahahaha