
We had these in our school because our tech teacher told the administration that Macs would be the wave of the future. She left the next year and we were stuck with those boxes of crap and netscape for the next 6 years.

Fable is a good game.

No picture for an article all about a comic with amazing graphics, tisk tisk kotaku... i mean seriously you had over 40 pictures to choose from.

I go with the fox, but chrome is not a bad browser. I just prefer the look, style, and way of firefox.

Buying this game... thats it.

They use to say books where the key to shaping young minds... guess we better start banning more of those now, because that turned out so well the first 5,000 times.

Kotaku is going to have to do like a review of these posts... I think that consensus is he is an (I will try not to curse too much) misinformed idiot who is trying to stirup troubling making bold statements with no factual evidence who thinks he is making the best thing since the PC.

@PigletLUV: yeah the first numbers were current the second were peak for the day... i would edit it but you know.

This guy is why the media needs fact check. He is pulling things statements from his ass. Lets just look at steam's statistics shall we?

That sandbox list was kind of shitty I wont lie. Seemed like it was more of a pay to get listed here then actually what deserves. Sandbox is such a big category depending on your definition, so to limit to those games as its best are kind of meh to the genre in general.

Wasnt this game suppose to come out like 6 years ago?

Finally real DLC... none of that shit that companies just ex out of their game at the last minute and make you pay an extra $10.

If I remember Pirates of Silicon Valley and his commencement speech, he was fired.

I remember when beta was actually a beta... you know not a marketing tool but a way for the community to test a project.

@geiko: That is one of the best scenes in the movie... its just such a great movie and being an Italian American makes me love it even more lol

@geiko: I love that movie...

They took it off steam, and it was obvious.

Anyone else notice the tags for this article... I was laughing very hard when I read them.

Yes, deadrising in Japan oh wait...

@AzHP: Sorry read that completely wrong... thought you said "and" instead of "instead"