
@BlitzWhat: I saw that happen once on a ZPS map the cop car could be seen through the gate but it was behind it. Blowing minds for awhile now.

Steam needs more free games like this... they do not have to be half life 2 or team fortress 2... but stuff like this really gets people involved, and I like free stuff.

Hitting up some TF2 as usual... can someone give me a review on Blacklight tango down. It looked like a good game for $15.

Rockstar = New Activision?

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Eggcellent question, I thought gizmodo would have been more appropiate.

I do this already a lot... but a site like prizerebel, which many think is not legit comes up as false, however I can attest to the legitimatize of that site.

Gas+Wheel Driver?

I thought Postal 2 was Portal 2... I had to do a double take and when i was reading it I was wondering why it was not making too much sense.

My initial reaction to this article....

@Chewbenator: Yes, I realize but with it having so much attention right now from both the gaming and then if the news gets involve it could turn ugly.

I do not want to out it out like this but.... all it takes is one idiot to fly from their home to another city/state/country/continent and doing some serious stalking or worse and then to have one itty bitty local news team to pick up on it, and BAM! shitstorm.

"Why are people so paranoid? Just because you will know my name doesn't mean you will be able to know where I live, work etc. Unless you work for the government, I doubt anyone will know any more than your name. Yes people could look you up on Facebook/MySpace, but you shouldn't have your address or phone number on

@Killer Toilet: I barely got off the ground and when I do I just do flips and shit. But still fun and I am learning. Going to prbly reinstall it.

@Cenobite: I played it, most rapidly dwl and then uninstalled.

@EskimoPimp: Its too late the idea is out there in the open!

@perry570: And besides if you recall valve doesnt just throw out a new weapon and call it a day. They extensively test it. SO your ideas may have been good in your head but not in gameplay.

@Oyster_Twister: Then we have the people working on the "entire" Disney world... do not know where they are with that though.

@Edo411: Thats the best reactions ever... bone dry.

So... I guess people play then.