
Gaming on this was the first thing I thought of... can anyone do this? just use some 3d models and online and i would be set, the cars and stuff could come later. Dont even really need to have to go into buildings for starters just something

@evolutionxbox: It was really funny because the first half of the comment i was being serious, then about a second before i was about to hit the send button/continue on my tirade i realized what i was saying was nuts and almost corrected myself in the middle of this because for a second i thought peter griffin was

@evolutionxbox: chances are faked by someone who changed their name after the episode. Wait its a tv show what am I talking about, probably just Seth.

Anyone find it odd that Meg calls it "the xbox" most people I know just call it xbox. Just was odd and I realized that people were only focusing on the game portion.

Tell me how fun it is to take it through the airport?

The only thing that I got from this video is Stephen uses aim. and some stories that I missed.

@Smash_Bro: so is this basically what happens over at Microsoft headquarters when someone rehashes an old idea.

@Jackstick: In short no. Some will argue certain ones but in reality when someone says RPG, most people shout back World of Warcraft.

So gamers, out. Drunk gamers, way out. Young kids, out. Pregnant (or may become pregnant woman), out. Old people, out. Family experience, out. Wii gaming's family market, out? xbox and ps3 definitely, out.

The limit does not exist! (for this game's development)

So instead of the airplane mode... you can play this? Right? Right?

@hazelnut: I remember that game! Oh so long ago... that should have went in the memory winner

@butsizzle: As the vorts would say, "The freeman's crowbar" The all-purpose killing/survival tool.

@CustomFirmware: and if you liked that read World War Z, another good book by Max Brooks about the zombie apocalypse

The parodies there just too much fun!

@Archaotic: But... but.... That's where Disney World is !!

@RedCarmine: It's the Bioshock to System Shock II!

@Jon: thats what I was thinking... they seem to always have certain trends like religious games are never as good as they could be or is it really impossible to make a good game with religion?

@Kamix: Half God 2: the son of man