
Oops, my bad then. 

Racing incident that led to a terrible crash.

Did not know this corner of the web existed! Thank you!


Wanna know how I know Max was in front of Lewis?

If you look closely, everything is a scam, it’s all a pyramid scheme. Some people just got on reaaaally early.

Harlequin Bronco!

So what you’re saying is, an european bald headed man with a funny accent wants to build a facility on top a volcano, which he uses in conjunction with a pool of sea water, to get the fuel to power his incredible machines and he’s not trying to take over the world?

São Paulo streets were planned by donkeys, that trend has continued to these days.

I’m eagerly waiting for Cicada Cicada and the Wedding Crasher sequel.

Teams can cheat their asses off, FIA will turn a blind eye for one race.

Nah... society was always like this. Those of us who worked retail/restaurant jobs can tell you people were always like this. You’re just “seeing” more because the only ones “out” are the bad ones, the good majority took the fucking once in a 100 years global pandemic seriously, like one should.

Wanna know how much I like this article? I’m gonna reload the page with ad block disabled, that’s how much I appreciate this mr. Torch.  

Look, this is actually dangerous and a bone headed decision by Mercedes, but at the same time, this is all electronic and software based so there could be a “night mode” with a pus... sorry touch of a button. And if there’s not, Mercedes can come to me and pay me for the idea hehe...

Look, this is actually dangerous and a bone headed decision by Mercedes, but at the same time, this is all electronic and software based so there could be a “night mode” with a pus... sorry touch of a button. And if there’s not, Mercedes can come to me and pay me for the idea hehe...

Yeah, but also, college IS the perfect time to do unwise things.

But, close your eyes for a second, and just imagine if it was brown and a had a manual...

One on hand I’m baffled that it all amounted to Whedon being a major asshole, was that all? I mean, a powerful director/producer using his power willy-nilly to shit on, spout racist comments, make sexist decisions and so on and so on, does that sound surprising to anyone? Sounds like a storm in a glass of water to me.

Are you really a sucker if you can easily afford $15,000 for a laugh?