
How exactly are the A/C models compromised by the B model? My understanding is, the use of the lift fan allowed a conventional fighter design with the engine at the back, thus reducing the compromises made by having to centrally locate the direct lift engine as the Harrier, the Russian Forger, and the Boeing F32 had.

That quote has been liberally used when describing the F-18.

The Air Force felt alright with 182 Rounds for it's F35A the heavier rounds offering higher punch. The Marines and the Navy however felt that a few more rounds were warranted so the gun pod packs 220 rounds. 38 rounds may not mean much but they wanted them.

That's not what I'm saying at all.

The F-18s we flew in Iraq could only realistically hold about that if they wanted to stay aloft for long enough to deploy all the weapons they had. This one seems to have about the same payload but has much more stealth while carrying it, as well as carrying much more fuel without having to resort to external tanks.

hate the program, sure, but that's one slick mean looking motherfcking fighter right there