Maybe if Americans cared as much about black people killed by cops as they do about white people killed by terrorists, then no one would take a knee.
Maybe if Americans cared as much about black people killed by cops as they do about white people killed by terrorists, then no one would take a knee.
I killed a squirrel with mine. Felt like shit, and it turned me off hunting for life. Kept the gun, though, and shot many of my friends with it. We’d have BB gun fights around the old barn and throughout the woods. Good times.
He could have suggested using water bombers to put out the fires.
Disney doesn’t want to compete against itself, which means that the release schedule of Disney, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Pixar, Fox all must be accounted for now - assuming no one else makes any big films in the future.
John’s defense in court:
Victim was high on PCP, committed suicide while John tried to restrain him/get the gun. A revolver will spray gunpowder over everyone nearby, especially those trying to take the gun away. John leaves the room in shock, drops the gun that he managed to pull away from the dying victim.
A dog will learn racism the same way their children do - by example. Most racists don’t sit their kids down one day and tell them to be racist. Most would claim to not be racist, “We were never taught that way” is a popular refrain, but somehow, racism survives from generation to generation.
“We” didn’t eliminate slavery. The northern states took it away from the southern states by force of arms. If someone is still trying to fly rebel colors, then they don’t get to claim that they would have helped eliminate slavery. They would have fought to preserve it.
“the sun shaped the movements of the planets”
I knew an anti-fascist once. He spent many years of his youth hunting them down and killing them. He, and a lot of his friends, travelled across the world to wade through hundreds of miles of mud, blood and terror, in order to dig those bastards out of their holes and kill them. A lot of his friends are still over…
It’s not just car companies. Artists of all stripes have been doing this since the Stone Age, where you take any patron you can get.
I have, but there was an elbow involved at some point.
Actually, other than the cloning and Bill Clinton...
When I first began reading the article, I thought the name of the place was the Whitey Plantation - a bit too apropos, I thought.